The Applecore is a huge region that you explore twice in God Of War Ragnarok’s main story, and you are free to come here whenever you want after your first visit additionally. You can’t explore the complete region during your first visit. It is not until you get the Draupnir Spear that you are able to collect each and everything from that zone in the game.
The Applecore is a location in Svartálheim in God of War Ragnarok with several collectibles and hidden items. To make the most of your visit to this area, keep these details in mind:
- Locate three Lore Markers, with the first at Sindri’s workshop and the other two nearby.
- Search for buried treasure near the water canal close to Sindri’s workshop and dig it up for a reward.
- Find two Nornir Chests, one near the third Lore Marker and the second after the metallic rubble near the second marker; solve rune puzzles to open them.
- Uncover a Yggdrasil Rift near the second Nornir Chest; interact to access the rift and explore challenges.
- While temporarily separated for a puzzle, Kratos can find an Odin Raven in Applecore; watch for it during this section.
- Explore and collect items like Althjof’s Statue, Durinn’s Stone Statue, and Kvasir’s Poem in Applecore
Exploring the Applecore thoroughly will not only net you valuable items and lore but also enrich your overall experience in God of War Ragnarok.
All Collectibles And Activities In The Applecore
There is a lot that you can do and collect in Applecore. Activities include finding Draugr Holes and opening Nornir Chests, whereas collectibles include finding artifacts and buried treasure. The list is huge, and the following are the things that you should find or complete in Applecore;
- Legendary Chests And Draugr Hole
- Lore
- Buried Treasure
- Nornir Chests
- Yggdrasil Rifts
- Odin’s Ravens
- Artifacts
Legendary Chests And Draugr Hole
There are two legendary treasure chests that you can find in Applecore, and one of them requires you to have the Chisel. The Chisel is an important item that you get after Chapter 6 of the main story. Basically, it can be used to carve runes in order to open up hidden doors in the game.
Chest #1 And Draugr Hole

The first legendary chest can be accessed on your first visit, and it can be found in the same room where you fought the Hateful in the Applecore. The location of the room containing the legendary chest and the Draugr Hole has also been shown in the image above.

You get the Fortified Frost Knob by opening that chest which is an attachment for your Leviathan Axe in God Of War Ragnarok. It is a really good attachment for your axe as it increases your defense and stagger resistance when you’re frost awakening your axe. Frost Awakening leaves you vulnerable. However, the fortified frost knob adds a little bit of defense.
Chest #2

The second legendary chest can only be accessed once you’ve obtained both the Chisel and the Draupnir Spear in the game. You will have to make your way back to the Applecore from the Wetlands and continue until you reach the end of the Jarnsmida Pitmines. At the end of the Pitmines, there will be a rune slate. All you have to do is carve the rune in order to unlock a secret door. The legendary chest is inside the secret room.

You get the Banahogg Knob as a reward for opening the chest, which is also another attachment for your Leviathan Axe in the game. The attachment increases Kratos’ barehanded for some time after he has thrown the Leviathan Axe.
There are three pieces of Lore that you can find and read in the Applecore region of God Of War Ragnarok. Lore is basically important little details about the world of Ragnarok and its characters that you can find in the game.
Lore #1

You can find the first lore right after you reach Sindri’s workshop in Applecore. Just go straight from the workshop, and you will see a door with a soundstone on it. Use Atreus’ sonic arrows to destroy the door, and the first lore should be inside.
Lore #2

Go outside of the room that contained the first lore. Then take a right and go straight until you have to jump over a water channel. After jumping over the water channel, take another right, and you should see wood blocking the path. Break the wood and jump down. You will see the second lore once you jump down there.
Lore #3

It can only be found after you’ve received the Draupnir Spear in the game. Go back to the Applecore from Aurvangar Wetlands using the ferry. Then use the elevator to descend into the Applecore. Follow the linear path until you see the marker for using the Draupnir Spear as shown in the image above.

After using the Draupnir Spear, you should be able to ascend the small cliff there. At the top, you will find a treasure map that counts as the third lore in the region additionally.
Buried Treasure

The buried treasure can only be accessed after completing the Forging Destiny Main Quest in the game. You also need to obtain the treasure map from the Nidavellir region of Svartalfheim. After doing so, just follow the same path that you did to find the second lore in the Applecore.
Go straight from Sindri’s Workshop, then take a left and open the wooden door. Follow the linear path and jump over the water channel. As soon as you jump over the water channel, you should see the treasure glowing on the ground that you can dig up in the Applecore in God Of War Ragnarok. You get the following rewards by digging up the treasure;
- Muspelheim’s Blessing
- Asgardian Ingot
- Luminous Alloy
- Petrified Bone
- Shattered Runes
Muspelheim’s Blessing is an Amulet Enchantment for your Yggdrasil Amulet in the gaem.
Nornir Chests
There are two Nornir Chests that you can find and open in the Applecore region of the game.
Chest #1

The first nornir chest is located right next to the third lore or the treasure map of Applecore. You have to make your way back to Applecore from Aurvangar Wetlands using the ferry. Descend down using the life and ascend a cliff using the Draupnir Spear. It is the same area where you found the third lore at.

You need to detonate all of the ruined at the same time using the Draupnir Spear. The first two runes are located right next to the chest and are present on top of lifts.

For the third rune, go backward from the location of the first two runes. Climb the cliff and after your first jump look back. You will see the third run hidden inside the rock. Just throw your Draupnir Spear at all three runes and detonate them at the same time to open up the Nornir Chest.
Chest #2

In order to reach the second nornir chest, start from the location where you found the second lore of the Applecore region. From the lore marker, go back and climb up. Then go straight and upwards. Continue until you see your path blocked off by metal which you can open up by destroying the fire pot from another angle.
Continue to make your way up until you reach a wooden door. Open the door and use your Draupnir Spear in the next room to continue further up. The nornir chest should be at the location that you reach after climbing up the Draupnir Spear.

In order to open the nornir chest, you will have to detonate 3 runes at the same time using the Draupnir Spear. The first rune can be seen when you look on the opposite side of the Nornir Chest. It is located behind the water so just move around your spear and you should be able to find it.

The second rune is located in the hallway that is located on the left side of the Nornir Chest.

The third rune is located in the leftmost hallway of the area and is blocked by metal. Destroy the fire pot to make the rune visible. Attach your Draupnir spear to all three runes and then detonate them at the same time to open up the Nornir Chest.
Yggdrasil Rifts

The Yggdrasil Rift is located near the third rune of the second Nornir Chest in Applecore. It is on the leftmost side of the room that contains the second nornir chest. However, the rift only appears once you have started the Lost Lindwyrms side quest from Ratatoskr after Forging Destiny main quest.
Odin’s Ravens

There is a point where Atreus and Kratos split up to solve a puzzle in Applecore. After solving a puzzle, you arrive on a platform next to a wooden door. On the left side of the platform, there will be Odin’s Raven sitting on top of a wooden plank. The raven isn’t flying, so it should be very easy to hit it with an axe.
There are three artifacts that you can collect in the Applecore region of Svartalfheim in God Of War Ragnarok. Following are the artifacts in Applecore;
- Althjof’s Statue
- Durinn’s Stone Statue
- Kvasir’s Poem 13
Althjof’s Statue

The first artifact that you can find in Applecore is Althjof’s Statue. It can be found on your way to the second nornir chest in Applecore. Before climbing the Draupnir Spear to reach the second nornir chest, look to your left, and you should see the artifact on the ground.
Durinn’s Stone Statue

The second artifact which is that can be found in Applecore is Durinn’s Stone Statue and it is located just outside the room where you fought the Hateful at the Draugr Hole. It is located behind some stones that can be broken down using Sonic Arrows additionally.
Kvasir’s Poem 13

The third artifact is actually a Kvasir’s Poem in Applecore. It can only be accessed after obtaining the Draupnir Spear in the game. When you revisit the Applecore from the Aurvangar Wetlands side, you will find a rock that can be broken down using the Draupnir Spear. The rock is actually located in your path when you follow the linear road in the Applecore after entering through a lift. After breaking the rock, you will find Kvasir’s Poem on the other side.
This concludes our guide on the Applecore Region in God Of War Ragnarok. We have entailed the location of each and everything that you can collect or do in that region of Svartalfheim. The location of both legendary and nornir chests has also been mentioned. We hope that the guide was helpful in getting that 100% completion in the Applecore region. Let us know what you think about the exploration and side content in God Of War Ragnarok.
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