GOW Ragnarok Valhalla: Best Ways To Get Fleeting Echoes

Upgrade your runic attacks in each run by collecting fleeting echoes using these methods.

Fleeting echoes in GOW Ragnarok Valhalla are used to get temporary upgrades from the Tablet of Endeavor in each cycle. After death or completing a cycle in Valhalla, the amount of fleeting echoes you hold resets to zero. You must try to get as many fleeting echoes as you can before the final boss fights in each run.

Key Takeaways
  • Fleeting echoes are an important but temporary currency inside GOW Ragnarok Valhalla that resets each run.
  • It lets you purchase temporary upgrades from the Tablet of Endeavor inside Valhalla.
  • Getting fleeting echoes is essential to fully upgrade your runic attacks before the final fight.
  • Players can also use fleeting echoes to restore their health and rage before boss battles.

Best Ways To Get Fleeting Echoes

Here is a list of all the methods that you can use to get fleeting echoes;

Rifts In GreeceHigher difficulty rifts inside the Colosseum in Greece reward the maximum number of fleeting echoes.
Special ArenasSpecial arenas in Greece with timed challenges also reward a big chunk of fleeting echoes.
Legendary ChestsLegendary chests with the fleeting echoes symbol will also give you a good amount of echoes.
Bosses And Valhalla's ChosenThe first main boss and mini-bosses known as Valhalla's Chosen also drop fleeting echoes.
Starting Echoes UpgradeThis upgrade will allow you to start a fresh run with a set amount of fleeting echoes.
Breaking PotsEach pot inside Valhalla is breakable and rewards very minor amount of fleeting echoes.

1. Rifts In Greece

best ways to get fleeting echoes gow ragnarok valhalla
Rifts In GOW Ragnarok Valhalla (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

This is the best method to get the maximum number of fleeting echoes inside Valhalla. Multiple rifts are scattered around the Colosseum, which is located in Greece. These reward a large number of fleeting echoes, especially if you complete a rift that is of higher difficulty. By completing the rifts in the Colosseum alone, I was able to make around 15k+ fleeting echoes.

2. Special Arenas

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Special Arenas Inside Greece In GOW Ragnarok Valhalla (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)

There are special arenas that spawn inside the Colosseum in Greece once you’ve made enough progression in the main story of Valhalla. These include The Aegean Boat arena and The Desert of The Lost Souls arena, which is unlocked once you beat enough Valhalla’s Chosen in Greece. The arenas are filled with timed challenges and getting gold rank on them was really hard in my experience.

3. Legendary Chests

best ways to get fleeting echoes gow ragnarok valhalla
Opening A Legendary Chest Containing Fleeting Echoes (Image Captured by eXputer)

There are certain legendary chests that also reward the player with a good amount of fleeting echoes. These chests spawn inside the rooms, which have the fleeting echoes symbol on their doors. This symbol looks like the one present on top of the chest in the image above. Whenever you come across a door with that sign, always enter it to get the maximum number of fleeting echoes in each run.

4. Bosses And Valhalla’s Chosen

best ways to get fleeting echoes gow ragnarok valhalla
Fighting A Main Boss In GOW Ragnarok Valhalla (Image Captured by Us)

Defeating the first main boss and the mini-bosses known as the Valhalla’s Chosen also net a lot of fleeting echoes. You will encounter one chosen and one main boss before ascending the realms and arriving in Greece, which can contribute to your total number of fleeting echoes before the final fight. 

You can also upgrade the number of fleeting echoes obtained by killing enemies at the Tablet of Influence. I would recommend getting the upgrades as soon as possible, as it greatly impacts the fleeting echoes you earn as it did in my playthrough.

5. Starting Echoes Upgrade

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Getting The Starting Echoes Upgrade In GOW Ragnarok Valhalla (Image Captured by eXputer)

There is an upgrade for fleeting echoes that you can obtain at the Tablet of Influence. It will allow you to start your run inside Valhalla with a set amount of fleeting echoes. This means that you won’t start at zero but will actually have a specific amount of fleeting echoes at the start of each cycle. The maximum number of fleeting echoes that you can start with is 300.

6. Breaking Pots

best ways to get fleeting echoes gow ragnarok valhalla
Breaking Pots In In GOW Ragnarok Valhalla (Image Captured by Us)

In my opinion, this is the worst method for obtaining fleeting echoes, but you can turn to it if you’re running really low. Basically, there are pots scattered around sanctuaries in the Norse realms and inside the Coloseum in Greece. Breaking these pots will give you a very small amount of fleeting echoes

Best Uses Of Fleeting Echoes

Now that you’ve obtained fleeting echoes, you can utilize them at the Tablet of Endeavor to purchase buffs and upgrades for Kratos.

  • Health and Rage bars can be refilled using fleeting echoes.
  • Get the upgrades for your runic attacks before entering the final boss fight.
  • You can also purchase new relics or recharge the uses of your currently equipped relics.
  • Fleeting echoes can also be used to craft sanctuary keys which can open those greyed-out locked doors.

My Take

I cannot stress enough how many times I saved myself from near-death situations by purchasing health and rage restores using the fleeting echoes.

The Valhalla DLC is a love letter to everyone who has been following the God of War franchise since the Greek Saga. It brings back Greek enemies and old weapons like the Blade of Olympus. Some old characters also return, including Helios. This concludes my guide on the best ways to get fleeting echoes in GOW Ragnarok Valhalla!


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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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