Hogwarts Legacy offers players a ton of spells to choose from, ranging from Damage, Essential, Force, Control, Transfiguration, Unofrigvale, and even more types of spells, and it can be quiet to know how to Hogwarts Legacy Unlock All Spells, therefore, players might require help in figuring out how all spells can be unlocked!
- There are quite a few types of spells that players are able to get their hands on in Hogwarts Legacy, and it all can get quite challenging to figure out how to unlock them.
- Players can unlock spells in Hogwarts Legacy by:
1. Quests
2. Assignments
3. Progressing Main Storyline
4. Attending Classes
All Hogwarts Legacy Spells
Here are all the Hogwarts Legacy Spells, their spell, effect, and how to unlock them:
Control Spells

First, we have the control spells, for which there are a total of 4 spells, ranging from the Apresto Momentum, Glacius, and Transformation, as well as the Glacius spells.
Here’s a quick summary on all the spells on Hogwarts Legacy:
Spell | Type of Spell | Effect | How to unlock |
Glacius | Control | Freezes its target | Complete: Madam Kogwa's Assignment 1 |
Levioso | Control | Lifts small animals and objects up in the air | Can be learned at the Defence against the Dark Arts class by following the symbol's path |
Transformation | Control | Transforms objets and enemies into alternate forms | Complete: Professor Weasley's Assignment |
Arresto Momentum | Control | Causes targets to slow down | Complete: Madam Kogwa's Assignment 2 |
Confringo | Damage | Causes it target to explode | Complete: In the Shadow of the Undercroft |
Expelliarmus | Damage | Forces the target to drop its weapon or wand. | Complete: Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 |
Incendio | Damage | Causes targets to burn | Complete: Professor Hecat's Assignment 1 |
Bombarda | Damage | Used tp deals heavy damage, and destroy obstacles | Complete: Professor Howin's Assignment |
Diffindo | Damage | Used to precisely cut an object | Complete: Professor Sharp's Assignment |
Revelio | Essential | Reveals hidden things in the world | During the first Main Quest of the game "The Path To Hogwarts" |
Stupefy | Essential | Counter-attack that stuns a target and renders it unconscious.. | During "The Path to Hogwarts Quest" |
Petrificus Totalus | Essential | Causes the victim to become immobile | Complete the main quest: "Secrets of the Restricted Sections" |
Protego | Essential | Conjures up a magical protection barrier. | Complete the main quest: "The Path to Hogwarts" |
Basic Cast | Essential | Deal minor damage to enemies and objects | Complete the main quest: "The Path to Hogwarts" |
Ancient Magic | Essential | Deal massive damage and break Shield Charms | Complete the main quest: "Welcome to Hogsmeade" |
Ancient Magic Throw | Essential | Summons and then throws special environmental objects | Complete the main quest: "Welcome to Hogsmeade" |
Alohomora | Essential | Used to open locks | Complete The Caretaker's Lunar Lament |
Flipendo | Force | Pushes back a target or moving an object. | Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 |
Descendo | Force | Pushes the target to the ground | Complete Professor Onai's Assignment |
Depulso | Force | Sends objects away from the caster | Complete Professor Sharp's Assignment 1 |
Accio | Force | Pushes objects closer to the user | Charms Class Quest |
Evanesco | Transfiguration | Vanishes items and returns moonstone | Complete the main quest: "The Room of Requirement Main Quest" |
Altering Spell | Transfiguration | Alter the physical forms and features of items | Interior Decorating Side Quest |
Conjuring Spell | Transfiguration | Conjures items into existence | Complete the main quest: "The Room of Requirement Main Quest" |
Imperio | Unforgivable | Temporarily forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. | Can be learned In the Shadow of Time |
Avada Kedavra | Unforgivable | Instantly kills the target | Can be learned during In the Shadow of the Relic |
Crucio | Unforgivable | Inflicts intense, excruciating physical pain to the target | Can be learned during In the Shadow of the Study |
Nab-Sack | Utility | Used to rescue and hold Beasts | Obtained from Deek during The Elf, the Nab Sack and the Loom |
Beast Petting Brush | Utility | Conjures a brush for grooming beasts | Obtained from Poppy Sweating during Beasts Class |
Beast Feed | Utility | Conjures some food for Beasts | Obtained from Poppy Sweating during Beasts Class |
Reparo | Utility | Fixes broken objects | Complete Professor Ronen's Assignment |
Wingardium Leviosa | Utility | Lifts small objects and animals up in the air | Complete Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 |
Lumos | Utility | Allows you to see in dark areas or solve puzzles that require extra light | During "The Path to Hogwarts" main quest |
Disillusionment | Utility | Causes you to blend into your surroundings | Complete Secrets of the Restricted Section quest |

One of the first spells is the Glacius, and the spell itself can freeze up opponents, enhancing the total damage that they intake from the attacks that are incoming towards them from your end.
- To get to know how to unlock all Hogwarts Legacy like Glacius, players will need to complete Madam Kogawa’s Assignment.
You can also watch our video & learn easily about how to get Glacius spell in the game here.


When it comes to the next spell it is the Levioso spell, and whenever it is used, players can levitate objects as well as opponents alike. And it can come in handy to solve puzzles and take opponents by surprise.
- To unlock the Levioso spell, players need to learn it at the questline that is called “Defense against the Dark Arts Class” whereby players need to follow the main quest.

With the Transformation spell, players can transform opponents as well as any objects that they so desire to do so into their different forms, and it can make it all the easier to take them out.
- To unlock the spell, players need to finish Professor Weasley’s Assignment quest.
Watch our video guide and learn how to get the transformation spell in Hogwarts Legacy.

Arresto Momentum

With the Arresto Momentum, players can cause opponents, as well as objects that are present near them, to slow down, which can grant players ample time to figure out what they want to do next.
- To get your hands on Hogwarts Legacy Unlock All Spells, including the Arresto Momentum, players need to figure out a way to get done with Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2 questline.

Damage Spells
When it comes to damage spells, players can use up a total of 5 spells which range from Confringo, Diffindo, Incendio, Expelliarmus well as Bombarda.

One of the first damage spells includes the Congringo spell, which allows players to launch out a long-range bolt that ends up dealing a bit of damage upon impact with the enemy. Opponents that end up taking in fire-based hits continue to burn for a bit.
- To unlock Confringo, players need to fully get done with the In The Shadow of The Undercroft questline. You can watch our video here to learn more about it.


With the Expelliarmus spell, players can take away the weapons that are being used by enemies, and it also causes enemies to take in damage.
- Expelliarmus can be unlocked by completing Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2 questline.

Moving on, let’s take a look at Incendio, which can come in handy to cause harm to opponents, and objects that are close to you can also be lit up on fire or it can also light up your entire vicinity.
- To get their hands on the spell, players need to complete Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 questline.

When it comes to the Bombarda spell, players can cause enemies to take in extra damage, and it also carries out a deadly explosion that can cause obstacles that are on the heavier end to be destroyed.
- Players can get the Bombarda spell by fulfilling Professor Howin’s Assignment questline.

As for the final spell from the damage spells, we have the Diffindo Spell, which can come in handy to carry out slashes against enemies as well as objects and make them intake damage.
- To get the Diffindo, players need to complete Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2 questline.
Essential Spells
As for the next line of spells that players want to Hogwarts Legacy Unlock All Spells, we have the Essential Spells, which will range from 9 spells including Alohomora, Ancient Magic Throw, Ancient Magic, Basic Caast, Petrificus Totalus, Protego, Stupefy as well as Revelio.

With the Revelio spell, players can highlight targets that are present out in the open world, and it is cast by clicking on the left button on your controller.
- Players can attain the Revlio spell during one of the first quests that are done in the game, “The Path To Hogwarts”.

For all Harry Potter veterans alike, Stupefy is no new spell, as it can cause it to stun opponents and allows for easier casting on them.
- Players can get their hands on it while they are doing The Path To Hogwarts questline which we mentioned before.
Petrificus Totalus
Moving on, let’s take a look at Petrificus Totalus, which can bind up opponents, but for enemies that are on the stronger end will end up intaking damage still but can be freed pretty easily.
- Players can get the spell by doing the secrets of The Restricted Section questline.

As for the Protego spell, players can use it to guard themselves against attacks that are launched at them.
- To know how to unlock Hogwarts Legacy spells including Protego, players need to do “The path to Hogwarts” questline, during which it can be attained.
Basic Cast

As the name suggests, the Basic Cast spell doesnt do much except cause enemies to take in a bit of damage.
- Players can get it during “The Path to Hogwarts” questline.
Ancient Magic
With the Ancient magic spell, players can need to first wait until a bit of their Ancient magic meter is full, after that, they can carry out Ancient Magic attacks against enemies that continue to deal damage to them and it will also break apart any shield charms that they might have.
- Players can get the spell by finishing up with the Welcome To Hogsmeade questline.
Ancient Magic Throw
When it comes to the Ancient Magic Throw spell, players can summon forth objects that are targeted at opponents, and it can come in handy to break apart shield charms with ease.
- To get the spell, players need to get done with the Welcome To Hogsmeade questline.

With the Alohomora spell, players get access to a few locked rooms that cannot be opened otherwise in the open world, but players still need magical abilities to use the spell properly.
- To get the spell, players need to do “The Man Behind The Moons” questline.
You can watch our video & learn how to get Alohomora spell in the game.

Force Spells
Moving on, we have the Force Spells, for which there are a total of 4 spells ranging from Accio, Descendo, Depulso as well as Flipendo.

Kicking things off with the Flipendo spell, players can flip both opponents as well as objects and cause them to flip. it can also come in handy to solve tougher puzzles.
- Players can get the spell during Professor Garlick’s Assignment 2.

As for the Descendo spell, while it does not actual deal any damage, it can come in handy to slam enemies towards the ground, which can make them intake impact damage still.
- Players can get the spell while doing Professor Onai’s Assignment.

With Depulso in hand, players can repel different opponents and enemies using amiable force. While the spell doesn’t cause direct damage, enemies that are slammed against each other can take damage.
- Players can get the spell during Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 questline.


As for the final spell, we have the Accio spell, which can be used to summon forth a few objects and opponents.
- Players can attain the spell during the Charms Class questline.
Transfiguration Spells
When it comes to the Transfiguration Spells there are a total of 3 spells that players can use, which are the Altering Spell, Conjuring Spell as well as Evanesco.

With the Evanesco spell, players can use it in order to vanish objects, and it can also return back moonstone if it summons forth when you are in the Room of Requirement.
- Players can get it after getting done with The Room of Requirement questline.
Altering Spell

With the Altering Spell, players alter the features of items anytime it is used while players are in the Room of Requirement.
- Players can get the spell by getting done with the Interior Decorating side questline.
Conjuring Spell
As for the final spell, players can conjure items and bring them into existence if are used within the Room of Requirement.
- Players can get it once they complete The Room of Requirement quest.
Unforgivable Curses
When it comes to the Unforgivable Curses, players get to access 3 spells called Imperio, Avada Kedavra as well as Crucio.

With Imperio, players are able to make their opponents become their allies, and while they are under your spell, they will be able to intake decreased damage as long as they stay your ally.
- In order to know how to unlock Imperio spell in Hogwart’s Legacy, players need to use it while they are in the Dark Arts Battle Arena.
Avada Kedavra

With Avada Kedavra, players are able to kill off opponents with little to no difficulties and players can unlock the spell while they are on a mission that has Sebastian Sallow in it.
For more on how to get Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy, watch our video guide here:


Lastly, the Crucio spell can be used in order to cause opponents to feel a lot more pain and cause them to take DoT while also being able to curse the victim.
- Players can get their hands on the spell by using it while they are in the Dark Arts Battle Arena.
Utility Spells
Last but not least, we have the utility spells which include Reparo, Lumos, Disillusionment, Beast Petting Brush, Wingardium Leviosa, Beast Feed as well as Nab-Sack.

With the Nab-Sack, players can use a bag that can come in handy to either rescue or hold down beasts.
- Players will be given the spell by Deek when they are doing the Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom.
Beast Petting Brush

As for the Beast Petting Brush, it is simply a brush that can come in handy to groom beasts and can be given to you by poppy Sweeting while doing the beast’s class.
Beast Feed
As for this spell, players can use it in order to feed beasts, and Poppy Sweeting will grant it to players when they are doing the Beasts Class.

As for Reparo, players can use it to bring back objects that have been damaged to their original state, and to get it, players need to complete Professor Ronen’s Assignment quest.
Wingardium Leviosa

With the Wingardium Leviosa, players can make use of it in order to levitate into any object and also cause to move around.
- Players can gain access to it after doing Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1
You can watch our video guide as well and learn how to get Wingardium Leviosa spell.


As far as Lumos is concerned, players can use it in order to allow players to see in areas that are on the darker end and can be obtained during The Path to Hogwarts quest.

Last but not least, we have Disillusionment which can come in handy to blend in with your environment, and those who are after you will find it more difficult to do so. Players need to get done with the secrets of the Restricted section quest.
And there we have it! All spells and how to get them, and with that, we will wrap up our Hogwarts Legacy Unlock All Spells guide! For players that are completely new to the game, you might want to read up on our Hogwart’s Legacy Beginner’s Guide to get to know more about the ins and outs of the game! Make sure to read up on our Hogwart’s Legacy Flying Broom guide while you’re at it!
Check out our Hogwart’s Legacy Everything We Know So Far guide as well!
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