Elden Ring takes the elements of previous FromSoftware games and takes them to a whole new level. You’d see many returning ranged weapons, sorcery spells, pyro spells, and much more. The list does not stop there, as there are tons of other similarities as well.
However, I think that Flask of Wondrous Physick in Elden Ring is a unique item that can give tarnished one a combination of status effects that previous FromSoftware never featured. Players can buff attacks, get HP over time, faster stamina regeneration, and tons of other combinations using various Crystal Tears. That is why I have curated a Crystal Tear locations guide and entailed where to get each one of them.
- Author’s Note: You can trust and rely on my expertise since I’ve gone through Elden Ring for well over 150 hours.
All Crystal Tear Locations

Location and effects of all the tears summarized:
Crytal Name | Effect (In Mixed Physick) | Location |
Cerulean Crystal Tear | It restores half of your FP | - Erdtree Avatar in Liurnia Of The Lakes (1st one) - Defeat the Erdtree Avatar guarding the Mountaintops (2nd one) |
Crimson Crystal Tear | It restores half of your HP | - In the Third Church Of Marika in front of a statue (1st one) - In an altar at the base of the Minor Erdtree in the Capital Outskirts (2nd One) |
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear | It restores HP for some time | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar boss in the Weeping Peninsula |
Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear | It boosts dexterity for a short period of time | Small Island in Liurnia Of The Lakes |
Faith-knot Crystal Tear | It boosts faith for a short period of time | In a boul under a tree at the North of the Demi Human Forest Ruins |
Greenspill Crystal Tear | It boosts stamina for a short period of time | In the altar near the Minor Erdtree in Mistwood |
Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear | It boosts holy attacks for a short period of time | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar boss in North Eastern part of Liurnina of the Lakes |
Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear | It boosts lightning attacks for a short period of time | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar boss in North Eastern part of Liurnina of the Lakes |
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear | It boosts magic attacks for a short period of time | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar in Minor Erdtree |
Opaline Bubbletear | It negates damage | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar boss in the Weeping Peninsula |
Strength-knot Crystal Tear | It boosts strenght for a short period of time | Can be found in Stormhill |
Spiked Cracked Tear | It increase the attack power of melee attacks | Altar that is next to the Minor Erdtree in Mistwood |
Twiggy Cracked Tear | It stops rune loss at the time of death | Altar in the base of the Minor Erdtree in Capital Outskirts |
Ruptured Crystal Tear | Causes the explosion of the tarnished one and deal a good amount of damage | - Defeat the Erdtree Avatar in Liurnia Of The Lakes (1st one) - Defeat the Putrid Avatar in the Consecrated Snowfield (2nd one) |
Winged Crystal Tear | It reduces the equip load for a short period of time | Altar that is surrounded by skull enemies in the Capital Outskirts |
Cerulean Hidden Tear | Gets rid of all the FP consumption | Can be found in the Mt. Gelmir region |
Leaden Hardtear | It boosts poise for a short period of time | Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Mt. Gelmir |
Crimson Bubbletear | When near death restores your HP | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar in the East Mountaintops of the Giants |
Crimsonspill Crystal Tear | It boosts max HP for a short period of time i | Defeat Wormface in Altus Plateau |
Speckled Hardtear | It boosts resistance and heals status effects | Defeat Wormface in Altus Plateau |
Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear | It converts the DMG you receive into HP | Can be found in the Mountaintops of the Giants |
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear | It boosts your fire attack powers | Defeat the Putrid Avatar in Caelid |
Greenburst Crystal Tear | It boosts stamina recovery speed for some time | Defeat the Erdtree Avatar in Caelid |
Opaline Hardtear | It boosts all damage negations for some time | Defeat the Putrid Avatar in Caelid |
Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear | It boosts intelligence for some time | Near Caria Manor |
Purifying Crystal Tear | Used to purify the Lord Of Blood's Curse | Defeat Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger |
Stonebarb Cracked Tear | Attacks have a higher chance of breaking enemy stances | Defeat the Putrid Avatar in Caelid |
Thorny Cracked Tear | Consecutive attacks grow stronger | |
Windy Crystal Tear | Enhance the dodge rolling for a short duration | In Caelid |
Cerulean Crystal Tear
Cerulean Crystal Tear favors the FP users or, in other words, the tarnished ones that rely a lot on consuming FP bars. Regardless of using spells or weapon arts of your melee weapons, you’d find Cerulean Crystal Tear a valuable item to have in Elden Ring because it restores half of your total FP bar whenever you consume Flask of Wondrous Physick.
There are two Cerulean Crystal Tears that you can find in the game, and both of them can be located near specific Erdtree avatars. The first one can be acquired after defeating the Erdtree Avatar located in Liurnia of the Lakes. Here is an image for your reference.

To acquire the second Cerulean Crystal Tear, you’d need to defeat the Erdtree Avatar, which blocks or guards a minor Erdtree in the Mountains region of the Elden Ring. Here is an image of the map that you will need to reach and engage in combat with this mini-boss.

Crimson Crystal Tear
Crimson Crystal Tear, by far, is the go-to crystal tear combination choice for tarnished ones. It is because you get to restore half of your total HP when consumed with a mix of elixir. Items like these are the reason you should find Flask of Wondrous Physick in Elder Ring early game. Even if you’re during the mid or late-game, having a Crimson Crystal Tear in your flask’s mixture will surely help you stay alive and rely less on Flask of Crimson tears.
The location for Crimson Crystal Tear is hard to miss as it can be collected near where you find Flask of Wondrous Physick in the Third Church of Marika. Still, here is an image to reach this crystal tear’s location.

There is a second Crimson Crystal tear that you’ll need to find should you want to get the most out of this item in Elden Ring. See the location for Twiggy Crystal Tear, which you get along with Crimson Crystal Tear B.
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear
Moving on with my Crystal Tear Locations guide, the Crimsonburst Crystal Tear helps the tarnished ones by slowly and gradually restoring the lost HP over time after consuming the Flask of Wondrous Physick. There is only one of these item types you can find in Elden Ring.
In order to locate the Crimsonburst Crystal tear location in the game, you’d need to visit the Weeping Peninsula and encounter the minor Erdtree boss. You’d get the Crimsonburst Crystal Tear as a reward after defeating the mini-boss. Here is the location where you will find the boss.
Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear
As the name of this crystal tear suggests, a tarnished one gets a boost in Dexterity attribute for a limited time after consuming Flask of Wondrous Physick, having Dexterity-Know Crystal Tear as a mixture element. Players can get a Dexterity boost of ten points for the next three minutes after consuming the elixir. This particular crystal teal can be found at the very top of a small island at Liurnia of the Lakes. Here is an image for your reference.

Faith-knot Crystal Tear
Like the dexterity attribute boost I mentioned above, the Faith-knot Crystal Tear also increases the faith element of a tarnished one after consuming the Flask of Wondrous of Physick having Faith-knot Crystal Tear. Doing so will give incantations users a significant spell power and is ideal for boss battles.
To find Faith-knot Crystal Tear, the player will need to visit the location near Demi-Human Forest Ruins. The crystal tear is present on a bowl located under a tree that is also surrounded by poisonous flower enemies type. If you still can’t find it, then take it east from the Church of the Pilgrimage, which leads to the road down the cliff. You will spot the location of the crystal tear.
Greenspill Crystal Tear
The Greenspill Crystal Tear, when consumed in a Flask of Wondrous Physick, will give players a boost in stamina, allowing them to ace the rolling and dodging. This crystal tear shows its usefulness while encountering bosses in the game.
Players can find Greenspill Crystal Tear in Mistwood. The item will be placed on an altar near the Minor Erdtree. Players can also find Spiked Cracked Crystal in this location.

Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear

Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear:
In my opinion, Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear is ideal for melee or lightning-focused builds, as it grants players 20% lightning damage boost for three minutes when combined with a Flask of Wondrous Physick. Equipping the Lightning Scorpion Charm multiplies the effect. Great for quick damage spikes in Elden Ring.
Located alongside the Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear; image above for location.
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear:
Tailored for intelligence builds, this Tear boosts magic attack damage by 20% in PvE. In PvP, it provides a 15% boost for three minutes with a Flask of Wondrous Physick. Magic-build players can stack damage with Terra Magicus and Magic Scorpion Charm.
Obtain it in the same location as Hily-Shrouding Cracked Tear after defeating the Erdtree Avatar boss; map indicates location.
Opaline Bubbletear:
Consuming this Tear with a Flask of Wondrous Physick grants a protective bubble, allowing one free hit without breaking. Useful for aggressive play or situations involving Seppuku and Mimic Tear Ashen Remain.
Acquire it by defeating the Erdtree Avatar boss in the Weeping Peninsula; image below shows the boss’s location.

Strength-knot Crystal Tear
All the Strength build or melee build players in Elden Ring will use the Strength-Knot Crystal Tear at some point or another because this boosts the strength temporarily. The boost applies to all the melee-based attacks and does not scale with incantations.
Players can find and acquire the Strength-Knot Crystal Tear near Stormhill. Once you’re there, you will need to go Northeast from Stormhill Shack to the side of the cliff. After that, you’d come across a large bowl that will contain the purple item, which would be the Strength-Know Crystal Tear. Here is an image for your reference. Many STR build players will love to have this Crystal Tear, and my Crystal Tear Locations guide will surely be of service to them.

Spiked Cracked Tear
The Spiked Cracked Tear significantly increases the attack power of all charged melee-based attacks. After consuming this Crystal Tear in Flask of Wondrous Physick combination, the overall charged attacks get increased damage for three minutes by 15%. Players can also stack the overall boost in damage by equipping the Axe Talisman.
Players can acquire Spiked Cracked Tear from the same location as Greenspill Crystal Tear. See the location I have listed above.
Twiggy Cracked Tear
The Twiggy Cracked Tear stops all loss of runes upon death for three minutes after you’ve consumed the Crystal Tear in a combination of Flask of Wondrous Physick. Players can find this Crystal Tear in Capital Outskirts near a Minor Erdtree. Here is an image for your reference. This isn’t a vital Crystal Tear, but if you want to get all of them, then our Crystal Tear Locations guide will help you in getting all Crystal Tears.

Ruptured Crystal Tear
There are two Ruptured Crystal Tears players can find in Elden Ring, and both of these Crystal Tears are located at different locations. Upon consuming this Crystal Tear in a flask of Wondrous Physick, the tarnished one explodes and deals a decent amount of damage. However, the explosion also depletes the health of your character as well. The nature of Ruptured Crystal Tear allows it to be used best while dueling in PvP instead of being reckless in PvE, which can be more punishing.
The first Ruptured Crystal Tear can be located by visiting the Erdtree Avatar and beating it in Liurnia of the Lakes. Here is an image for your reference to reach and beat the boss in order to obtain this Crystal Tear in Elden Ring.
The second Ruptured Crystal Tear can be received as a reward by defeating Putrid Avatar in the Consecrated Snowfield. You will need Haligtree medallions to reach this secret and optional snowy area in Elden Ring; otherwise, the Grand Lift of Rold will take you to the Mountaintops of the Giant. Here is an image of the second Ruptured Crystal Tear.
Winged Crystal Tear
The Winged Crystal Tear increases the overall equip load capacity for a short duration, allowing you to carry or wear more heavy equipment before the effects run.
The location for Winged Crystal Tear is outside the Capital Outskirts. You will need to go near the tombstones, which dead skull enemies surround. Here is an image for your reference.

Cerulean Hidden Tear
The Cerulean Hidden Tear is the go-to Crystal Tear for the Comet Azur build players who love to blow bosses to kingdom come with this mighty spell. It is because consuming this Crystal Tear, in a mix of Flask of Wondrous Physick, will stop the consumption of FP for 15 seconds. The Cerulean Hidden Tear is one of the many reasons why Elden Ring has so many Comet Azur-oriented builds.
To find this Crystal Tear, players will need to reach the Mt. Gelmir region of the Lands Between. After resting at the Road of Iniquity Site of Grace, players will need to head towards East and will come across an Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Killing this boss will drop the Cerulean Hidden Tear for you. Here is the location of this Minor Erdtree boss that you need to go and defeat in order to get this Crystal Tear in Elden Ring.

Leaden Hardtear
The Leaden Hardtear Crystal Tear offers a boost in your character’s poise for a short duration. After consuming this Crystal Tear from Flask of Wondrous Physick, the extra poise that lasts for 10 seconds will allow you to cast the long animation incantations, spell, or a charged melee attack.
Players can get Leaden Hardtear from the same location as Cerulean Hidden Tear, and the location can be seen in the map image I have listed above.
Crimson Bubbletear
Similar to Opaline Bubbletear and Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear, the Crimson one covers the tarnished one into a bubble that restores 30% of max health and reduces the chances of dying. The effect is triggered when the player’s health drops down to 20% and the effect of this Crystal Tear lasts for three minutes. The healing effect is triggered automatically and in many instances will save you the time of consuming the Flask of Crimson Tears or use an incantation to heal and save yourself from an incoming death-causing attack.
Players can find Crimson Bubbletear after reaching Mountaintops of the Giant and defeating the Erdtree Avatar which is found near the Minor Erdtree of the region. If you don’t know the exact whereabouts of this boss, then here is an image for your reference.

Crimsonspill Crystal Tear
The Crimsonspill Crystal Tear is an excellent addition for the players who invest little in Vigor character attributes and more into others. It is because consuming this Crystal Tear in Flask of Wondrous Physick will give you 10% extra HP for the next three minutes. Using Crimsonspill Crystal Tear will be better while entering a fog wall to fight a boss instead of roaming in the open world since three minutes will fly by.
If you want to acquire this Crimsonspill Crystal Tear in Elden Ring, then you will need to head towards Altus Plateau and defeat Wormface optional boss. The closest Site of Grace to this boss is Bower of Bounty and if you’ve it unlocked just teleport there and get to the nearby Minor Erdtree. Or, if you’ve not been to this location before then you can visit the spot I have highlighted in the map’s image here. Defeating Wormface will also drop Speckled Hardtear as well.

Speckled Hardtear: Elden Ring Crystal Tear
The Speckled Hardtear in Elden Ring boosts resistance and cures status effects when consumed with the Flask of Wondrous Physick. Its efficacy shines in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, known for Scarlet Rot infliction.
To obtain Speckled Hardtear, defeat the Wormface boss near Minor Erdtree of Altus Plateau. Consult the map above for the optional boss location.
Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear: Reckless Healing in Elden Ring
The Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear transforms you into a bold attacker, converting damage to HP for 15 seconds when used with Flask of Wondrous Physick. Ideal for boss fights, it makes you resilient.
Obtaining Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear is tricky. Navigate Mountain tops of the Giants, reaching the highlighted spot in the map below. Follow the cliff to Giant’s Gravepost, encountering a large hand enemy. Obtain the Crystal Tear near this foe.

Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Similar to Holy and Lightning Shrouding Cracked Tears, the Flame variant boosts fire-based attacks, affecting melee weapons and incantations dealing fire damage. When consumed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick, the effects last three minutes, providing a 20% boost to overall fire damage.
In my opinion, for those with pyromancy build in Elden Ring, the Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear is valuable. Combining it with a Fire Scorpion Charm Talisman and Crystal Tear multiplies fire damage. Utilize this combo for potent fire-based attacks against bosses.
To obtain the Flame Shrouding Cracked Tear, head to Caelid’s east of Smoldering Church. Defeat the Erdtree Avatar optional boss near the Minor Erdtree to acquire the tear. Refer to the image for the boss’s location. Victory also yields the Greenburst Crystal Tear.

Greenburst Crystal Tear
Greenburst Crystal Tear significantly boosts stamina recovery in Elden Ring. I advise using it before a boss fight if your stamina attribute is low.
To obtain it, defeat the Erdtree Avatar, which drops the Tear along with Flame Shrouding Cracked Tear.
Opaline Hardtear
Opaline Hardtear in Flask of Wondrous Physick provides 15% damage negation against elemental attacks for three minutes. It’s ideal for boss battles.
Find Opaline Hardtear Crystal Tear at the far end of the Caelid region. Defeat the Putrid Avatar near the second Minor tree of Caelid to obtain it.
Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear
Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear enhances Intelligence briefly for mid-game players with an intelligence build in Elden Ring.
Acquire it near Caria Manor, on top of a cliff. Spawn at a Site of Grace further away, move right hugging the cliff wall, and reach the end to find the tear in a bowl surrounded by enemies.

Purifying Crystal Tear
The Purifying Crystal Tear is useful only while fighting Mohg, Lord of Blood. It is because this Crystal Tear purifies the Lord of Blood’s curse after you consume it in Flask of Wondrous Physick. The curse that Mohg applies on your character gets negated after you consume this Crystal Tear. Players can use the Purifying Crystal Tear at any point during the boss fight.
In order to acquire Purifying Crystal Tear, players will need to defeat Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger invader. This invader also drops one of the best Arcane weapons in Elden Ring – Eleonora’s Poleblade. She can be found when you go to the Second Church of Marika for the first time. If you don’t know the location of the Second Church of Marika, then I have highlighted the location in the map’s image here.

Stonebarb Cracked Tear
The Stonebard Cracked Tear increases your character’s posture damaging attacks on enemies by 30% for 30 seconds. During this time, all of your stamina damaging attacks of blocking enemies will deplete significantly, making them susceptible to critical hits.
The location for the Stonebard Cracked Tear is the same as Opaline Hardtear. Players will get both of the Crystal Tears after beating the Putrid Avatar optional boss in Elden Ring. See the map’s location above in the Opaline Hardtear section.
Thorny Cracked Tear
The Thorny Cracked Tear in Elden Ring increases the consecutive weapon’s attacks with each strike. This Crystal Tear is excellent for Dex build in Elden Ring or players who use some of the best dexterity weapons in the game.
To obtain Thorny Cracked Tear in Elden Ring, players will need to visit Consecrated Snowfield region of the Lands Between. Once you’re there, go to the east of Ordina, Liturgical Town and you will come across a Minor Erdtree guarded by Putrid Avatar. Defeating this optional boss will drop Thorny Cracked Tear for you.

Windy Crystal Tear
Consuming Windy Crystal Tear in Flask of Wondrous Physick will enhance the dodge rolling of your character for a short duration, giving you more time to dodge incoming attacks. To find this item, visit the location I’ve highlighted in the Caelid map’s image here and you will come across a large-sized bird guarding the Windy Crystal Tear.

My Tips On The Ideal Crystal Tear
In Elden Ring, it is crucial to have the best Tears in Flash of Wondrous Physick according to your build. When I first started Elden Ring, I didn’t care much about collecting the Tears as I just rushed into the boss fights. So, after getting beaten by the same boss repeatedly, I got exhausted and finally decided to get the recommended Tears along with some other things to make my build overpowered.

Now, after hours of gameplay, I concluded that you should completely ignore the Tears that restore your HP and FP or boost it. In my opinion, they are entirely useless. If you have a mage build, then Cerulean Hidden Tear will do the job, as it gets rid of FP consumption for a while. So, get the Tears according to your build and defeat the bosses in Elden Ring.
That is pretty much everything you need to know about Crystal Tears and Flask of Wondrous Physick location in Elden Ring. Which Crystal Tears have been your go-to from the beginning of the game till the end? Let me know more of your thoughts in the comment section below.
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