Smithing Stone Farming is essential as players use those materials to upgrade their weapons and equipment. You will have to collect a lot of them from the start of your journey until the end while you explore the areas of the Lands Between. As per my experience, they are required to beat the hardest of bosses, as without a significant upgrade in your weapon, you won’t be able to make it to the end.
Key Takeaways
In Elden Ring, Smithing Stones are vital for enhancing gear. I have mentioned all the three types that exist:
Somber Smithing Stone: Elevate rare and legendary gear, mostly in Kingsrealm Ruins and Sellia Town Of Sorcery. Obtain via miner’s bell bearing in areas like Sellia Crystal Tunnel, Altus Tunnel, and Mountain Tops Of The Giants region.
Ancient Dragons Smithing Stones: The most potent, they upgrade Regular Weapons to 25 and Special Weapons to 10. Found in Side Quests and dropped by Bosses like the Knights Cavalry Boss and Wounded Dragons.
Author’s Note: I’ve played Elden Ring for over 200 hours, therefore you can completely rely on the information mentioned below.
Important: I want to stress that Smithing Stones can be found during exploration and purchased through bell bearings.
The Smithing Stone is a type of material that comes in several tiers and many types as well. They are used to upgrade different armaments and weapons in the Elden Ring.
Smithing Stone [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]Smithing Stones are rare items that can be found in different areas and are used to enhance the abilities of your armaments and weapons.
Here’s complete information on the type of stones:
Smithing Stones
Smithing Stones
Limgrave Tunnels, Gael Tunnel, Subterranean Shunning Grounds, and Consecrated Snowfield, dropped by the Haligtree Soldiers, Bell bearing
Reinforce armaments up to +3
Somber Smithing Stones
Kingsrealm Ruins and in Sellia Town Of Sorcery, Selia Crystal Tunnel,Mountain Tops Of The Giants region
Reinforce special armaments
to +1
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Side Quests and dropped by Bosses like the Knights Cavalry Boss and Wounded Dragons.
Reinforce special armaments up to +10
Smithing Stones Locations
Following are all the locations where you can get the Smithing Stones In the Elden Ring.
The first Smithing Stone you will obtain is in the Church of Elleh in the Limgrave. It will be located on the 1st Site Of Lost Grace when traveling through the Golden Path.
Smithing Stone (2) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]You will also be able to obtain these stones by going to the Limgrave tunnels located on the eastern side of the Church and the north of the lake.
Some Stones can also be acquired near the West Limgrave Statue on the eastern end of Storm Hill Shack.
How To Upgrade
The players can upgrade weapons by going to the Church of Elleh and interacting with the Anvil. However, the players must visit a Blacksmith if they want to upgrade further and improve their weapons.
In Elden Ring, the players can interact with two blacksmiths known as the Smithing Master Hewg and the Smithing Master Iji. The Smithing Master Hewg is found at the round table hold.
The Smithing Master Iji is found in the South of Caria Manor, located in the area near Kingsrealm ruins. Remember that if you have started the Questline of Ranni, you will be able to find the Smithing Master Iji in three sisters.
Bell Bearing Locations
After a significant amount of progress through the Elden Ring, you will be able to obtain Smithing Stone Miner’s bell Bearings, which are very important items in the game.
These items can be given to the Twin Maiden Husks in the round table hold. After that, you can purchase them in unlimited amounts. The locations of all bell Bearings will allow you to buy Smithing Stones.
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Smithing Stone Minor Bell Bearing 1
This bell Bearing will allow the players to purchase Smithing Stones of tier 1 and tier 2.
In runes, the players need to spend 200 runes for Smithing Stone 1 and 400 runes on Smithing Stone 2.
The Smithing Stone one will grant a weapon upgrade level of +3. On the other hand, Smithing Stone of Tier 2 will cost you 400 runes and will provide a +3 weapon upgrade.
The Smithing Stone miner’s bell Bearing can be obtained from the Crystalian boss after you defeat him in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel.
Smithing Stone Miners Bell Bearing 2
The second bell Bearing will allow you to purchase the Smithing Stones of tier Levels 3 and 4.
Smithing Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing (2) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]You will be able to obtain the bell Bearing in a Sealed Tunnel located in the Altus Plateau.
You will have to make your way to the Capital Outskirts to get it.
This Smithing Stone of level 3 can be obtained by spending 600 runes, and it will grant you a +9 upgrade for your weapon.
On the other hand, the Smithing Stone 4 can be purchased for 900 runes and will grant you a +12 upgrade of your weapon.
Smithing Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 3
For this bell Bearing, the players will be required to make their way to the Mountain Tops Of The Giants area. After that, they would have to locate a cellar found in the Zamor Ruins.
By getting the bell Bearing, you will be able to purchase Smithing Stones of tier 5 and tier 6.
The Smithing Stone of tier 5 can be purchased for 1200 runes and will give you a +15 upgrade in your weapon level.
On the other hand, the Smithing Stone 6 will be purchased for 1500 runes and will give you a +18 upgrade for your weapon.
Smithing Stone Miners Bell Bearing 4
For the last bell Bearing, the players will have to fight the Godskin Duo Main Boss and defeat it.
Smithing Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing (4) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]The boss will drop the ball Bearing as a reward and can be found in the Crumbling Farum Azula.
The Bell Bearing will allow the players to purchase Smithing Stones of tier level 7 and tier level 8.
This Smithing Stone of tier level 7 can be purchased for 2400 runes and will grant you a +21 upgrade for your weapon level.
The Smithing Stone of tier level 8 will grant you a +24 upgrade for your weapon and can be purchased for 3600 runes.
These two Smithing Stones are most sought after as they upgrade the weapons to the highest level.
If you don’t intend to buy regular stones, you can always farm them. Smithing Stone farming will allow the players to obtain the items to upgrade their weapons for free. The following are all the locations where you can find the Smithing Stones.
Find the Smithing Stones 1 and 2 in the Limgrave Tunnels. I suggest exploring the northern area of Agheel Lake.
The miners and soldiers mostly drop the tier 3 and 4 ones. You will face them in the tunnels between Limgrave and Caelid.
The Smithing Stone 5 is mostly dropped by aims in Leyndell Royal Capital. Go to the Subterranean Shunning Grounds to get them.
The Smithing Stones 6 and 8 are dropped by miners mostly found in Consecrated Snow Field Areas. Search the Yelough Anix Tunnel to get them.
The Smithing Stone 7 is mostly dropped by the Halligtree Soldiers located in Elphael.
The ones belonging to tier level 5 are the rare ones. You can get more by increasing your Arcane Stats.
Getting the Silver Pickled Fowl Foot item will allow you to increase the chances of them dropping more.
Somber Smithing Stones
Another type of Smithing Stone that the players can collect to upgrade Special Weapons in Elden Ring is somber Smithing Stones.
Somber Smithing Stone (1) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]In my opinion, by using the stones, the players can upgrade some of the best weapons in the Elden Ring to use against the bosses.
There are nine different tiers of somber Smithing Stones, with each upgrading your weapon by +1.
Most of the special weapons that you upgrade using somber Smithing Stones can only be upgraded to +10. However, for that, you will need a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.
Bell Bearing Locations
You will be able to collect 5 Somber Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing when doing Smithing Stone farming. After that, you will be able to buy the somber Smithing Stones, as they are much rarer to find.
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Somber Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 1
This bell Bearing will allow the players to purchase somber Smithing Stones of tier 1 and tier 2. The players will be able to obtain the bell Bearing by killing an enemy called the Falling Star Beast.
The enemy is located inside the Sellia Crystal tunnel.
You will have to make your way to Caelid to get the item.
The somber Smithing Stone one can be purchased for 2000 runes and will upgrade your weapon by +1.
Meanwhile, the Somber Smithing Stone 2 can be purchased for 3000 runes and will upgrade your weapon by +2.
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing 2
This bell Bearing will allow the players to purchase Somber Smithing Stones belonging to tier 3 and tier 4.
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing (2) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]The somber Smithing Stone of tier 3 can be purchased for 4000 runes and will grant a +3 upgrade in weapon level.
While the somber Smithing Stone 4 can be purchased for 6000 and gives a weapon upgrade of +4.
The Bell Bearing can be acquired by defeating the Crytalian bosses in the game.
You will be able to find them in the Altus Tunnel. The tunnel is located in the Altus Plateau.
Somberstone Miner’s Well Bearing 3
The bell Bearing will allow the players to purchase somber Smithing Stones belonging to tier level 5 and tier level 6.
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing (3) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]The item can be acquired by going to the Mountain Tops Of The Giants area.
The players will be required to go into the first Church of Marika.
The Church is located on the southern side of Freezing Lake.
The Somber Smithing Stone 5 can be purchased for 9000 runes and can be used to get a weapon upgrade of +5.
The somber Smithing Stone 6 can be purchased for 12,000 runes and can be used to upgrade your weapon level to +6.
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing 4
This bell Bearing can be acquired in the Crumbling Farum Azula.
You will have to go to the Tempest-facing balcony to obtain the item.
The bell Bearing will allow you to buy somber Smithing Stones 7 and 8.
The somber Smithing Stone 7 can be purchased for 16,000 runes.
It will grant the players a +7 increase in their weapon level.
The somber Smithing Stone can be purchased for 20,000 runes and will grant a + 8 increase in weapon level.
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing 5
The bell Bearing can be acquired in a tower located near the Great Bridge Site Of Grace.
Somber Smithing Stone (3) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]I recommend looking for the building in the Crumbling Farum Azula. The Somber Smithing Stone 9 can be purchased for 25,000 runes and will grant a +9 increase in the weapon level.
Farming Locations
You can farm Somber Smithing Stones in different areas of the game. In case you manage to find a special weapon, then you will be required to get some of them pretty early on in the game.
Somber Smithing Stone (2) [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]Somber Smithing Stones belonging to the lower tiers can be found early on in the game. Below are some areas where I recommend you to farm these items.
The players will be able to farm somber Smithing Stones 1 and 2 in the Kingsrealm Ruins. Talk to Master Iji to purchase the Stones.
Farm the somber Smithing Stones 3, 4, and 5 in the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. Visit the Sellia Town Of Sorcery and look for a mine in the northwestern area. Farm them from the Glintstone miners.
The rest of them can be bought by using Bell Bearings.
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
The highest tier of Smithing Stone Farming that the players can acquire is the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]Smithing Stone farming is great for making normal weapons powerful. I also suggest that you collect the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones to unlock the true potential of your weapons.
The ancient dragon Smithing Stones will allow you to upgrade your weapons up to 25. But the Somber variant will allow you to upgrade your weapons up to +10.
Keep in mind that 10 is the highest level that you can obtain for any legendary or rare weapons and armaments you find.
Getting them is the hardest in the game and are extremely limited. You will have to start a new game plus to get them.
Therefore, you should carefully choose the weapons that you want to use to Max out, using ancient dragon Smithing Stones.
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Farming Locations
Below are all the places where you will be able to find the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones.
You can obtain a Smithing Stone by killing Loretta Knight of the Haligtree by locating a chest containing one.Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]
A statue located in Miquella Haligtree has one. Visit the Haligtree Town Plaza Site Of Grace to obtain the Smithing Stone.
You can also get one by going to the dragon temple, up the staircase. After that, you have to pass through a bridge to go to a nearby ledge. A corpse there will have the stone.
Slay a dragon that is located in Crumbling Farum Azula on the Curved Path to get another one.
One is located in Yelough Anix Tunnel as well. You will also get to fight the Alabaster Lord Boss here.
You can farm the Stone by killing the Knights Cavalry Bosses located in the Consecrated Snowfield Region.
Through Quests
You can collect the item by completing certain quests as well.
Another is found in the Great Wyrm Theodorix near the waterfall in the area.
You can also get one by completing the Sorceress Sellen’s Quest and killing her in the end.
Another one is waiting for you if you talk to the Storm Veil Castle Gatekeeper. Complete the Nepheli Quest for it.
As soon as you complete the Nepheli Loux side quest, you will get it as a completion reward.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Locations
There are eight somber ancient Smithing Stones that you can collect, and below I have written the location of all of them.
By completing the Lattena the Albinauric’s quest, you will receive one of the somber ancient dragon Smithing Stone as a reward.Ancient Dragon Somber Smithing Stone [Screenshot Capture Credits: eXputer]
In Crumbling Farum Azula near Leyndell, the Ashen Capital, you will be able to obtain the Stone from a corpse. The corpse is located near a balcony found on the pathway from the Dragon Statue.
By Defeating Enemies
You can also get a somber ancient dragon, Smithing Stone when you defeat Anastasia for the third time.
By slaying the Wounded Dragon, you will be able to get the somber ancient dragon Smithing Stone.
In the Prayer Room Site Of Grace located in Elphael, the Brace of Haligtree, you will find the somber Ancient Smithing Stone inside a chest.
Outside the site of grace, you will also find another Smithing Stone by walking towards the east and interacting with a corpse.
I also recommend grabbing one in the chest that is found before the Mohg Lord Of Blood boss fight.
My Experience Using Smithing Stones
I initially started Elden Ring with the Samurai Class, so I had a weapon that could be upgraded via Smithing Stones. Gathering them to level up a normal weapon up to level 25 is one of the hardest challenges I have faced in Elden Ring, even after a year of experience. While I think Uchigatana is a great weapon, I didn’t upgrade it up to the maximum level until I gathered all the Smithing Stones Bell Bearings.
My in-game save slots
Gathering the Bell Bearings is way better than collecting them to upgrade the weapons. The same is the case for the Somber variant. While there are very limited Somber Smithing Stones, I leveled up a bunch of my weapons to level 9. Again, getting the Bell Bearing is the most effective part, and buying the stones for any weapon won’t be cheap.
Don’t forget to check out our detailed guide on rock slings, as you will need them while farming the Smithing Stones. You can also check out our guide on the bloody slash location in Elden Ring.
Hammad Ijaz is a Guides Writer on eXputer who is into various gaming genres. He has this pure passion for enjoying games and then reflecting that passion back into his writing. Along with a gaming experience of 10+ years, he also has many years of writing experience. Hammad further solidifies his status as a true gamer by showcasing hundreds of hours of game time on Warframe, Witcher 3, and Elden Ring. Feel free to explore his extensive gaming library on Steam.
Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.
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