Surviving in Elden Ring is always challenging, and Cookbooks are a great find to help turn the tides in your favor. Cookbooks are Key Items that expand your crafting abilities, allowing you to make different types of ammunition and potions.
- There are a total of 59 Cookbooks throughout the game.
- There are eight different types of Cookbooks. These cookbooks include Nomadic Warrior, Ancient Dragon Apostle, and Glinstone Craftsman.
- Cookbooks cannot be used if you haven’t purchased a Crafting Kit.
- Some Cookbooks are only available at merchants.
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- Author’s Note: I have played Elden Ring for over 800 hours and got all the cookbooks during my playthrough; hence, you can trust the information provided.
Types Of Cookbooks
There are eight classes of Cookbooks found within the game, and they can only be collected once. After that, they will be implemented automatically, and you will be able to craft new items from your Item Crafting tab.
The different classes of Cookbooks are:
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook – 24 books
- Armorer’s Cookbook – 7 books
- Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook – 8 books
- Missionary’s Cookbook – 7 books
- Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook – 4 books
- Perfumer’s Cookbook – 4 books
- Fevor’s Cookbook – 3 books
- Frenzied Cookbook – 2 books
There are a total of 59 Cookbooks to be found throughout the game, each with different unlockable recipes.
Using The Cookbooks
You are required to have crafting enabled before you can make use of your Cookbooks. First, you will need to buy a Crafting Kit from Merchant Kale in the Church of Elleh, Limgrave. This will cost 300 runes and unlocks the crafting option in the main menu.
Once you have the Crafting Kit, you need to have the ingredients and the relevant Cookbook before making a recipe. For example, if you want to craft Bone Arrow, you would need Nomadic Warrior’s first Cookbook and Thin Beast Bones x3.
Crafting is done by pausing the game and clicking on the Crafting tab in the main menu. Here, you will see a list of all your unlocked recipes and the required ingredients.
Cookbook Recipes And Locations
There are different ways how to use the Cookbook, and all the unlockable recipes are listed with their required Cookbooks. You can also find out where to get these Cookbooks, whether it is a simple purchase from a merchant or a long exploration quest.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook
Nomadic Warrior has 24 Cookbooks in Elden Ring. Finding them all can be a chore, but it is worth it.

Merchant Kale
Available from Merchant Kale in Church of Elleh for 500 Runes.
- Bone Arrow
- Bone Arrow (Fletched)
- Bone Bolt
One more is available from Merchan Kale in the Church of Elleh for 500 Runes.
- Glowstone
- Invigorating Cured Meat
- Invigorating White Cured Meat
North Limgrave
Available from Nomadic Merchant in North Limgrave for 600 Runes.
- Pickled Turtle Neck
- Poisonbone Arrow
- Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Poisonbone Bolt
On Corpse Near Siofra River Well
Found on a roadside corpse south of Mistwood near Siofra River Well.
- Fetid Pot
- Roped Fetid Pot
East Limgrave
Available from Nomadic Merchant in East Limgrave for 1500 Runes.
- Beastlure Pot
Fort Haight
Found on a corpse at the top of the main stairs of Fort Haight.
- Blood Grease
- Drawstring Blood Grease
- Bloodbone Arrow
- Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Bloodbone Bolt
Stormveil Castle
Found on a corpse at the edge of the collapsed bridge aside from Stormveil Castle.
- Stanching Boluses
- Soft Cotton
- Rainbow Stone Arrow
Tombsward Cave
Found on a corpse in Tombsward Cave.
- Poison Grease
- Drawstring Poison Grease
Tombsward Catacombs
Found inside Tombsward Catacombs, behind an Imp Statue. Requires a Stonesword Key to bypass the seal.
- Rancor Pot
Stormveil Castle
Found on a corpse in Stormveil Castle. Exit the north door from Rampart Tower, move towards the east, and cross the bridge; the book is on a corpse with two enemies nearby.
- Stormwing Bone Arrow
Liurnia of the Lakes
Available from Nomadic Merchant in Liurnia of the Lakes for 1500 Runes.
- Crystal Dart
- Spell-proof Dried Liver
- Shattershard Arrow
You can also get another one from Nomadic Merchant in Liurnia of the Lakes for 2000 Runes.
- Bone Great Arrow
- Bone Great Arrow (Fletched)
- Bone Ballista Bolt
Rose Church
Found in Rose Church, near the South wall.
- Cursed-Blood Pot
Smoldering Church
Found on a corpse in the Smoldering Church.
- Poison Pot
- Roped Poison Pot
- Poisonbone Dart
South Caelid
Available from the Nomadic Merchant in south Caelid for 4000 Runes.
- Rotbone Arrow
- RotBone Arrow (Fletched)
- Rotbone Bolt
Ainsel River
Available from the Nomadic Merchant in Ainsel River for 2500 Runes.
- Thawfrost Boluses
- Stimuating Boluses
Siofra River
Available from the Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River for 6000 Runes.
- Soap
- Oil Pot
- Roped Oil Pot
You can also buy another one from the Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River for 6000 Runes.
- Dappled Cured Meat
- Dappled White Cured Meat
Altus Plateau
Found in a small ruined building at Woodfolk Ruins in Altus Plateau.
- Sweet Raisin
- Warming Stone
Mt. Gelmir
It can be bought from the Nomadic Merchant in Mt. Gelmir for 3000 Runes.
- Volcano Pot
- Roped Volcano Pot
Volcano Manor
Found inside Volcano Manor. Go upstairs from the lobby, enter the first door on the right, and enter a room full of snails. Here, go through the open doorway on your left, where the cookbook can be found on a corpse.
- Alluring Pot
Lake of Rot
Found in a chest in a ruin west of the Lake of Rot.
- Rot Pot
- Rot Grease
- Drawstring Rot Grease
Site of Grace
Found on a corpse in Consecrated Snowfield, north and past the first Site of Grace.
- Frozen Raisin
- Clarifying Cured Meat
- Clarifying White Cured Meat
Mohgwyn Palace
Found on a corpse in Mohgwyn Palace, by the edge of the cliffs southeast of the blood marsh. That will be the last cookbook of the Nomadic Warrior.
- Swarm Pot
- Roped Fly Pot
Armorer’s Cookbook
There are a total of Seven Armorer’s Cookbooks scattered all over the World of Elden Ring. You will have to find all of them to access their recipes.

Kaiden Sellsword
The first Armorer’s Cookbook in Elden Ring is found in a Kaiden Sellsword camp northeast of Agheel Lake.
- Fire Grease
- Drawstring Fire Grease
- Fireproof Dried Liver
Southeast Of Coastal Cave
It can be bought from the Nomadic Merchant, southeast of Coastal Cave, for 500 Runes.
- Firebone Arrow
- Firebone Arrow (Fletched)
- Firebone Bolt
- Neutralizing Boluses
East Limgrave
Available from the Nomadic Merchant in East Limgrave for 2000 Runes.
- Exalted Flesh
Redmane Castle
Found in Redmane Castle, in the gatehouse on the west.
- Redmane Fire Pot
Also found in Redmane Castle. Go through a door in the southwest and towards an outdoor area with a ladder and a door to the right. The cookbook can be found through the door on the right.
- Immunizing Cured Meat
- Immunizing White Cured Meat
Siofra River
Found on a corpse by a cliff in Siofra River, near the ledges behind you when you warp to Grace Siofra River Bank.
Fort Laiedd
It can be found in Fort Laiedd, on the bottom floor, once you cross the wooden door.
- Gianstflame Fire Pot
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook
You will find eight Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbooks in Elden Ring. For these, you will have to go far and wide in the Lands Between.

Church of Irith
They can be looted from a Noble after killing them. The location is an outpost following the way to the northwest of the Church of Irith.
- Cuckoo Glintstone
Church of Irith
Found on a corpse in the Laskyar Ruins.
- Freezing Grease
Highway Lookout Tower
Found in a chest in Highway Lookout Tower in East Liurnia.
- Albinauric Pot
Academy Gate Town Site
Found in a chest in a tower near a sunken church building northwest of the Academy Gate Town Site.
- Magic Pot
- Roped Magic Pot
- Shield Grease
Raya Lucaria Academy
Found in a chest inside when you turn left from the hallway of Raya Lucaria Academy.
- Magic Grease
- Drawstring Magic Grase
- Magicbone Arrow
- Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Magicbone bolt
Caria Manor
Found in a room southeast of the gardens in Caria Manor.
- Freezing Pot
Caria Manor
Purchasable from Pidia, the Carian Servant at Caria Manor.
- Coldbone Arrow
- Coldbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Coldbone Bolt
Albinauric’s Rise
Found in Consecrated Grounds southwest of Albinauric’s Rise, on a corpse with three Arcane Sphere of Faces surrounding it.
- Academy Magic Pot
Missionary’s Cookbook
You will come across a total of eight Missionary’s Cookbooks.

Purchased from Merchant Kale in Limgrave, for 1000 Runes.
- Holy Water Pot
- Roped Holy Water Pot
Purchased from Patches for 800 Runes.
- Scriptstone
- Grace Mimic
- Gold Pickled Fowl Foot
Smoldering Church
Found in a corpse in the Smoldering Church.
- Silver Pickled Fowl Foot
Minor Erdtree Church
Found in the Minor Erdtree Church.
- Holy Grease
- Drawstring Holy Grease
- Haligbone Arrow
- Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Haligbone Bolt
Siofra Aqueduct
Found on a corpse in Siofra Aqueduct, in a room located near a Crucible Knight enemy.
- Sacred Order Pot
Volcano Manor Region
Found in the Volcano Manor Region. Take the lift up from the Temple of Eiglay and cross the rock bridge, where you encounter a Pendulum Statue enemy near an open area of lava. Here, look for a window into a dimly lit room where you can climb down a ladder. The cookbook will be on a corpse behind a cell door.
- Holyproof Dried Liver
Mountaintops of the Giants
Sold by the Nomadic Merchant, in the Mountaintops of the Giants, for 7500 Runes.
- Rejuvenating Boluces
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook
The Ancient Dragon Apostle has four different Cookbooks with their name.

Sewers Of Wyndham Catacombs
Found in Wyndham Catacombs on a corpse in the sewers.
- Lightning Grease
- Drawstring Lightning Grease
- Lightningbone Arrow
- Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Lightningbone Bolt
Altus Plateau
Purchased from a merchant near the Great Forest Spanning Bridge, Altus Plateau.
- Lightning Pot
- Roped Lightning Pot
South Caelid
Found in the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in south Caelid, on a corpse near the dragon’s chest.
- Dragonwound Grease
Crumbling Farum Azula
Found on the roof of the Crumbling Farum Azula, after defeating the dragon and passing the building behind it.
- Ancient Dragonbolt Pot
- Lightningproof Dried Liver
Perfumer’s Cookbook
The perfumer has four Cookbooks with their name on them.

Perfumer’s Ruins
Found in a chest when entering Perfumer’s Ruins, near where the Perfume Bottle is located.
- Spark Aromatic
- Uplifting Aromatic
Altus Plateau
Found on a corpse on one of the rooftops of The Shaded Castle, Altus Plateau.
- Poison Spraymist
- Bloodboil Aromatic
Auriza Side Tomb
Found on a corpse in Auriza Side Tomb, after you open the transporter chest in the room with several benches.
- Ironjar Aromatic
Ainsel River
Sold by the Nomadic Merchant in Ainsel River for 3000 Runes.
- Acid Spraymist
Fevor’s Cookbook
You will find three Fevor’s Cookbooks in the game.

Summonwater Village Outskirts
Found on a corpse in a graveyard, south of Summonwater Village Outskirts.
- Sleep Pot
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Sold by a merchant in the Academy of Raya Lucaria for 3500 Runes.
- Soporific Grease
- Drawstring Soporific Grease
- Sleepbone Arrow
- Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Sleepbone Bolt
Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum
It is given as a reward by Gideon Ofnir after you have visited the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.
- Bewitching Branch
Frenzied’s Cookbook
Lastly, you will find two of Frenzied’s Cookbooks in Elden Ring at the following locations.

Frenzied Flame Village
Found on a corpse in one of the Frenzied Flame Village houses.
- Clarifying Boluses
Altar In Mohg
Found on a corpse on the lowest set of rafters, in a secret area hidden behind the altar in Mohg, after you have defeated the Omen’s boss.
- Frenzyflame Stone
Final Words
So, those are the different ways How to Use Cookbook in Elden Ring, with all the different recipes and locations highlighted. So, sharpen your sword and start exploring, and the next battle will be a lot easier with a few of these at your side.
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