Diablo Immortal Exploits: Cheat Methods & Glitches

Diablo Immortal has various exploits and glitches which players can use to cheat or bypass to get a major advantage in the game.

What are Exploits & Cheats 

During most of your time in this genre of games, you will be forced to grind levels. The game will also require you to farm the best gear for a worthless amount of time. At the same time, players could also do other meaningful aspects, such as joining Clans for extra help or to get their characters to the Max Level in Diablo Immortal

Key Highlights
  • Cheats, glitches, and exploits let players skip the grind/farming and barriers but run the risk of incurring a permanent ban.
  • Diablo Immortal has a bunch of exploits, such as item duplication, God mode, and AFK exploits.
  • The god mode glitch randomly makes your character invulnerable to damage during chaotic situations. You can only cancel it by teleporting to another zone or fast traveling.
  • The most popular AFK farm is to use a spoon to hold down your attack button in the Hidden Alcove zone of the Library of Zoltun Kulle Library.
  • You can download modified versions of Diablo Immortal or use Trainers to hack the currencies in the game to increase your attributes.
  • Netease and Blizzard have cheat detection systems that enforce strict policies against cheating and exploits.
  • You can join the communities in Discord or Reddit to keep up with newly discovered exploits, but they almost always have risks.

Players have no other option but to bypass these barriers with the help of cheats and or exploits. These can either be in the form of a game-breaking bug or a glitch. Moreover, players can simply use a community-developed hack or cheat engine to mod those exploits into the game.

With these cheats and exploits enabled, players would not even have to worry about doing other major activities like Unlocking the Legacy of Horadim or increasing their Combat Rating.

Nonetheless, by running these tools to bypass the barriers, you will gain the risk of a permanent ban. The security safeguards of the game will detect players exploiting the game in unfair ways, which will result in them terminating your access to their online services or, even worse, your entire account.

Exploits and Glitches 

As of now, there are quite a few discovered exploits found within Diablo Immortal. These range from helping you to duplicate upgrade materials like Enchanted Dust. These are rare materials that can only be farmed via the Portal Tome events created by the Diablo Immortal Lost Pages item.

Most of the exploits include various tricks discovered by players during their adventures. They are mostly found by the game bugging out and accidentally providing some sort of leverage for the player to use in the game.

The known glitches which players can use to their advantage include stuff like going Godmode against enemies. Not to mention there are also AFK exploits to be, which can greatly help with the progression and leveling. Simply having access to lots of experience and tons of rare materials will let you steamroll through the game.

Speaking of which, if you want to learn in-depth about progression and other aspects. For now, let’s check out each of these known exploits:

God Mode Invisibility Exploit

Diablo Immortal god mode
The God mode exploit lets you be invulnerable and deal damage without having any worries.

This is the same exploit we have mentioned above. This glitch was discovered by a Reddit user. The glitch essentially makes your character glitch out of the game. The model is instead replaced by an invisible character who is immune to all damage, making you invulnerable for a short period.

It is also confirmed that other users had this same glitch happening to them. Reports seemed to confirm that it may trigger randomly. While some have said, it occurs during the chaotic situations of Diablo Immortal.

This glitch can only be canceled via teleportation to another zone or fast traveling. It was coincidentally discovered in the endgame area, which is the Zoltun Kulle Library. So this glitch can only be viably used in that area and sadly not outside of it in most cases.

The AFK Spoon Farm Exploit

Diablo Immortal AFK exploit
Believe it or not, the AFK exploits of Diablo Immortal have players using a spoon to farm enemies while idling.

This is one of the more bizarre exploit methods found within the community of Diablo Immortal. The community of the game discovered to farm EXP points while idle.

Now you might be surprised to know that the farming makes use of continuously spamming your attack button. The only difference is that you can use an actual spoon to hold it down. It might sound funny and surprising, but we ensure this is an actual tactic that the community is using right now.

It is the most popular AFK farm found in the game. You can enable this for yourself by traveling to the deepest depths of the Zoltun Kulle Library location. The exact zone is called the Hidden Alcove on the map. Here you can find enemies to kill for EXP endlessly. They tend to respawn for long periods.

Simply stand in the zone where you can also spot other players doing this same method. This exploit is a brilliant way to farm for Gold and Monster Essence. Coincidentally, players can Transfer Essences in Diablo Immortal. So these materials are highly important to farm via this method.

How to Use Cheats & Hacks in Diablo Immortal

Despite being a server-based MMO game in the series, Diablo Immortal has found itself to be hackable in many ways to accomplish various things with ease. You can hack the currencies and increase your attributes which can be insanely overpowered to do in the game. These are done mostly through trainers.

Trainers are cheat tools to modify games in different ways. There are various types of trainers that are available based on the games. Most are community-created mods or official cheat codes by the developers.

However, in the case of Diablo Immortal, you can download modified versions of the game too. These will provide some safety measures against the security restrictions of the game. Players can download trainers from verified websites that tailor to designing these tools.

From our experience, there are some also codes that players can input at the redeem code menu in-game. However, these do not seem to work at all. They are mostly scams generated by websites for mobile RPGs. So we would encourage you not to waste your time with that method.

While you’re at it, why not check out How to Join the Shadows Faction, as well as learn more about getting selected into the Dark Clan of Diablo Immortal.

The Risks of Running Cheats & Hacks

Usually, players can get away with exploiting the game’s glitches for their benefit. This is because these are bugs of the game, which so happens to be the developer’s fault. So do not worry about using them as a means of exploiting the game to your advantage.

However, the cheats and Hacks can be a problem. These modify the game in the sense that the online security system will detect changes made to the game. After which, your account services can get terminated.

The cheat detection system at Blizzard is not to be underestimated. NetEase is also known to have strict policies against using cheats in their live service games, especially in Diablo Immortal.

We suggest you follow the community on Discord and Reddit. They will regularly keep you informed of new exploits discovered in the game. So hence why, before you use cheats, you have been warned of their risks.

This concludes our guide on the few ways to exploit Diablo Immortal. If you have any further questions related to the guide, let us know down in the comments section below!

Other Tips

Diablo Immortal, like any other MMORPG, is massive and full of activities to grind. From multiple Side quests to the mysterious Hidden Lair dungeons, there is a variety of World bosses to defeat, like the Tax Collector, Lord Martanos, Ancient Nightmare, and Sandstorm Golem. You also have the option to fight challenging Raid bosses like Vitaath and the Blood Rose that test your combat skills. It can be extremely tedious to grind and overcome these bosses despite having the option to Change the Difficulty. But luckily, the player base has managed to find some unconventional cheats to exploit Diablo Immortal and make things easier.

Diablo Immortal is the next title to grace the critically acclaimed Diablo franchise. The game is developed carefully for mobile devices by Blizzard and NetEase. It features a total of six unique and different classes.

Players can make some of the best builds using the six classes such as The Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Necromancer, Monk, Crusader, and the Wizard. Or read our Diablo Immortal Classes Tier List if you want to learn more about them.

In addition to using these exploits in the game, it will also eliminate the need to farm the Best Gems in Diablo Immortal or increase the Potency Rating of their attributes. However, it is worth mentioning these cheats can also restrict your online access and potentially ban your Diablo Immortal account.

Before we get started, we highly recommend checking out our Guide for Tips and Tricks, which may help you eliminate the thought of using these cheats.

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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