FF16: Point of No Return [All Missable Features]

Discover key strategies to navigate Points of No Return in FF16 without missing vital quests, features, best weapons & a Silver trophy.

Final Fantasy 16 is an action-packed game with lots of quests and tasks for you to take on. However, there are some points from where there’s no coming back. In this guide, I have discussed both “point of no Return in FF16”, and how to avoid those & not lose any progress that counts towards trophy list unlocks.

Key Takeaways
  • The term “Point of No Return” in Final Fantasy 16 refers to moments in the game where you can’t return to previous areas or complete remaining tasks.
  • One important “Point of No Return” occurs when the character Clive enters Drake’s Head.
  • After this point, you can’t go back and finish any side quests from before this point.
  • A second “Point of No Return” comes when you defeat the final boss.
  • After this, you can’t go back to previous areas or complete any unfinished quests.
  • To avoid missing any quests, it is recommended to save the game regularly and use a guide to track your progress.
  • Some missable features in FF16 include cut scenes, changing the difficulty in New Game Plus, and the crafting of Gotterdammerung, a powerful weapon type for Clive.
  • Finally, the “Half-Past Twilight Achievement” can become missable if you sell any of the rare materials needed to create Gotterdammerung.

What Is The Point of No Return In Final Fantasy 16?

Points of no return refer to a situation where you can’t return to previous areas or end the unfinished tasks. It means there are some points in FF16 when you reach there, all the previous side quests from the map will be gone whether you have completed them or selected them as preferred.

First Point of No Return

Drakes Head Mothercrystal [Image by eXputer]
One crucial moment in Final Fantasy 16 is when Clive enters Drake’s Head. When you get sight of Mothercrystal Drake’s Head in the after events that occur at Drake’s head, it means you cannot return and proceed with the quests remaining in Clive’s history or even complete any other side quest in Duscae.

Although this mission brings about substantial changes, it doesn’t prevent you from revisiting prior regions post-mission. You retain the ability to fast-travel to any Obelisk, and new side quests and hunts will emerge in these regions. This ensures continued engagement with the game’s additional content.

However, it’s crucial to note that any uncompleted side quests at the time of undertaking the Drake’s Head mission will be lost in the current playthrough. Although the rewards from these early game side quests may seem insignificant, it’s advisable to finish as many as possible before proceeding.

For players more inclined towards quest completion than reward acquisition, maintaining a secondary save file is a wise strategy. This allows you to return and wrap up these quests later if you wish.

The Second Point of No Return

final boss point of no return in FF16 [Image by eXputer]
Another point of no return comes when you finish FF16 after defeating the final boss. This is the last part of the story, and after this, you can’t come back to any of the areas or complete any unfinished quests as they all become missable.

Remember that you’ll be notified before you reach these points. Warning signs will appear to inform that these are points of no return. For example, while you go into Drake’s Head, a message will appear asking you to save FF16 and finish unfinished quests before going ahead.

How To Avoid Points of No Returns

If you don’t want to miss any of the quests, here are a few tips for avoiding the points of no return in Final Fantasy 16:

  • The best tip I can give you to avoid losing progress due to the point of no return is to save Final Fantasy 16 repeatedly.
  • So, even if you unknowingly enter a point of no return, you’ll have the chance to reload your save file and return to a point where you previously saved FF16.
  • If FF16 warns you to save your progress at any point, save it and complete your unfinished quests.
  • If you don’t want to miss out on any quests, use a guide to track your progress.

List Of Missable Features In Final Fantasy 16

Here are some of the missable features in FF16

1. Cut scenes

You cannot see the cut scenes from the Arete Stone in FF16 in unplayable stages. So, do not skip cut scenes while exploring the game’s main story quests.

2. Changing The difficulty (Gameplay Focus)

If you have begun the New Game Plus on Final Fantasy Mode, you won’t have the option to change it into Action Focus or Story Focus later in FF16.

3. Gotterdammerung

Final Fantasy 16 Darksteel Location Gotterdammerung
Gotterdammerung [Image by eXputer]
Gotterdammerung is undoubtedly the most powerful sword for the players on New Game (NG). It can become permanently unavailable if you sell the rare materials needed to manufacture it. Gotterdammerung is the ultimate weapon for the character Clive. It’s a powerful sword that can massively enhance the player’s damage output, providing a significant edge in battles.

The importance of Gotterdammerung lies in its immense power and the boost it provides to Clive’s battle capabilities. Obtaining it also rewards players with a prestigious achievement, “Half Past Twilight,” making it a key goal for trophy hunters and those wanting the best equipment.

To craft Gotterdammerung, you would need:

  1. The Ragnarok Sword: Obtained by completing the “Blacksmith’s Blues IV” side quest.
  2. Three pieces of Orichalcum, a rare material dropped by certain notorious marks (Atlas, Svarog, Gorgimera, Behemoth King).
  3. Two pieces of Darksteel, obtained from the notorious marks Prince of Death and Thanatos.
  4. One Primitive Battlehorn, which can only be acquired from the notorious mark Gobermouch.

4. Half-Past Twilight Achievement

Half Past Twilight Trophy [Image by eXputer]
The Silver trophy is also called the Half-Past Twilight Achievement. This achievement can become missable if you have to sell any of the rare materials to forge Gotterdammerung. If you did not sell any valuables required to make Gotterdammerung, as listed above, then once you have this best weapon in FF16, you will also unlock the Half-Past Twilight trophy and cannot miss this. 

And with this, I conclude my FF16 point of no return guide. There are not many missable quests, items, and more in Final Fantasy 16 but if you’re gone way past the point of no return, and have no backup save profile, then you’re out of luck in getting the missable features and items I have listed above. While you’re at it, consider reading Final Fantasy 16 BEST Bahamut Eikonic Abilities, Minotaur Hunt, Orchestrion Rolls, and FF16 Eikon Tier List


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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