Elden Ring provides you with a variety of options for combat. You can go for a melee build and destroy enemies with pure Strength. Or you can opt for an intelligence build and deal damage from afar. Whatever you use, incantations can always be a vital part of a build to help give the extra boost in battle. However, to cast those incantations, you will need sacred seals. Therefore, I will be looking at Elden Ring’s Best Sacred Seals that you can use to make sure your build is amongst the best builds out there.
Key Takeaways
The Sacred Seals in Elden Ring play an essential role as they allow you to cast incantations across Mage-build characters.
There are Nine total Sacred Seals, each unique from the others as they have different stats and requirements that can ultimately affect incantations, too.
You can equip different incantations into the available memory slots, done by resting at a Site of Grace.
A few of the best Sacred seals in Elden Ring include the Godslayer’s Seal, which has balanced stats, and the Erdtree Seal for Faith-focused builds.
You can discover seals via chests and other hidden locations or dungeons.
Elden Ring – Sacred Seals Allow You to Use Incantations
It is important to note that the term “best” can be relative when discussing Elden Ring Best Sacred Seals. Therefore, consider your stats and what you invest in when choosing a sacred seal.
Regardless, all of the mentioned Sacred Seals work as great catalysts for incantations, and you can use any of them as you please.
Best For
Physical Damage
Incant Scaling
Finger Seal
The Best Seal For Early-Game
. Starting item for Prophet and Confessor class
.You can buy it from Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold.
Giant’s Seal
The Best Seal For Fire Incantations
. Southwestern part of Mountaintops of the Giants
Frenzied Flame Seal
The Highest Base Incant Scaling In Sacred Seals
Received after completing Hyetta questline and becoming Lord of Chaos.
Gravel Stone Seal
The Best Seal For Dragon Cult Incantations
Knight drop inside Fortfied Manor in West Capital Rampart Site
Golden Order Seal
The Best Incant Scaling In Sacred Seals
Deadbody near Minor Erdtree Church Site in Leyndell Royal Capital
Clawmark Seal
The Best Seal For Bestial Incantations
Give Gurranq a piece of Deathroot, who can be found in Bestial Sanctum, northeast area of Caelid.
Godslayer Seal
The Best Seal For Godslayer Incantations
Underground room inside Stormveil Castle, opened up by Stonesword key.
Dragon Communion Seal
The Best Seal For Dragon Communion Incantations
Dungeon near Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace.
Erdtree Seal
The Best Faith Scaling Among Sacred Seals
Inside a prison cell with a corpse, found in the Volcano Manor
1. Finger Seal
The Best Seal For Early-Game.
Finger Seal (Image by eXputer)
Physical Damage: 25
Critical Damage: 100
Incant Scaling: 114
Why I Chose This: The Finger Seal is a starting equipement and possesses high Incant scaling which makes it the best for early-game.
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The Finger Seal may be a good option if you are aiming for a build that is not heavily focused on using incantations or sorcery. Finger Seal is suited for players who mostly rely on ranged weapons or strength weapons. Strength is especially an important factor as the seal scales with Strength.
The Finger Seal is a starting item for the Prophet and Confessor starting classes. But if you choose another class like the Samurai, you can purchase the Finger Seal from Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold. It will cost you 800 Runes.
Stats and Requirements
As it is an early Sacred Seal, you only need 4 Strength and 10 Faith to wield it.
It has E and C-grade scaling for Strength and Faith.
Very helpful in early-game for faith builds.
Has high base Incant scaling and very high Fth scaling.
Provides no passive effect.
Can be replaced with other seals after mid-game.
2. Giant’s Seal
The Best Seal For Fire Incantations.
Giant’s Seal (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
Physical: 25
Critical: 100
Why I Chose This: The Giant’s Seal is acqiured late in the game but well worth the effort for it’s unique buff for fire-based incantations and good Incant scaling.
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The Giant’s Seal is a sacred seal suitable for fire-incantation enthusiasts like me, especially those with a Pyromancy Build. However, I ranked it lower among Elden Ring’s Best Sacred Seals due to its late-game availability. By the time you obtain it, you might have already acquired a better seal to replace it. Nonetheless, it excels for players heavily reliant on Fire Giant Incantations, enhancing spells like Burn O Flame! obtained after defeating the Fire Giant.
The Giant’s Seal is located in the Giant Conquering Hero’s Grave, in the southwestern part of the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Stats and Requirements
The Giant’s Seal requires 4 strength and 14 Faith.
Provides 20% dmg bonus to Fire type incantations.
Has good base Incant scaling.
Has low Str scaling throughout.
Acquired from an end-game area.
3. Frenzied Flame Seal
The Highest Base Incant Scaling In Sacred Seals.
Frenzied Flame Seal (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)
Physical: 25
Critical: 100
Why I Chose This: The Frenzied Flame Seal possesses highest base Incant scaling and can also inflict madness build-up through attacking.
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The Frenzied Flame Seal, like most Sacred Seals, buffs specific incantations. In this case, it enhances the niche Frenzied Flame Incantations, which induce madness build-up in Elden Ring. To fully utilize this seal, you’ll need a specialized build. I found these incantations particularly useful in PvP situations.
You can obtain the Frenzied Flame Seal by completing the Hyetta questline and becoming the Lord of Chaos.
Stats and requirements
It has an E scaling for Strength, Dex, and Intelligence and a D scaling for Faith.
At the same time, it reaches B for the faith scaling.
Increases the dmg of Frenzied Flame Incantations.
Causes madness (only through attacking) and scales with 4 stats.
The madness buildup cannot be utilized due to low dmg of seal.
Acquired only after completing a questline.
4. Gravel Stone Seal
The Best Seal For Dragon Cult Incantations.
Gravel Stone Seal (Image Captured by Us)
Physical: 25
Critical: 100
IncantScaling: 60
Why I Chose This: Lightning incantions especially Dragon Cult are very powerful and anything that buffs them is very valuable.
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The Gravel Stone Seal is a late-game option for you if you enjoy using lightning-based incantations, particularly those related to the Dragon Cult. It provides a slight boost to these incantations, including one obtained through the Remembrance of the Lichdragon, which you can acquire after defeating the Lichdragon Fortissax. To learn how to reach this boss, I suggest referring to the “Elden Ring Lichdragon Fortissax Location Walkthrough” guide.
To get the Gravel Stone Seal, go to the West Capital Rampart site of Grace in Leyndell. Once there, make your way to the Fortified Manor with the dragon foot. An archer will guard a knight. Take them down, and the knight will drop you the Gravel Stone Seal.
Stats and Requirements
With a 4 Strength and 18 Faith requirement, the Seal has an E and C scaling, respectively.
As it is specific to the Dragon Cult Incantations, it gives them a 15% boost.
Additionally, you can expect a 282-spell buff with 60 Faith and 318 with 80 faith.
Very suitable for Dragon Cult Incantations.
Provides S Faith scaling at +15 upgrade.
Requires great investment in Faith for high dmg potential.
Is outclassed by other seals like Erdtree seal for other spells.
5. Golden Order Seal
The Best Incant Scaling In Sacred Seals.
Golden Order Seal (Image Captured by eXputer)
Physical: 24
Critical: 100
Why I Chose This: Golden Order Seal has the highest Incat scaling of all other seals and provides great dmg output in late-game builds.
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Golden Order Seal is great for those players who want a mix of both worlds. One great example of this would be the Night and Flame Build, which utilizes both incantations and sorcery. Although you will have to progress far into the game to acquire it, I think it’s worth the effort as the Golden Order Seal gives quite the buff and is worth being in your arsenal.
Luckily, you do not have to fight any hard boss to get the Golden Order Seal. You need to make your way over to the Minor Erdtree Church Site of Grace in Leyndell Royal Capital. There will be a dead body from which you can get the Seal. Although many churches have Sacred Tears, the Minor Erdtree Church does not.
Stats and Requirement
As it is a hybrid of Faith and Intelligence, you will need both the stats for using the Golden Order Seal.
Specifically, 17 in Intelligence and Faith.
Golden Order Incantations are boosted by the seal (10%).
Easy to upgrade using somber smithing stones.
Doesn’t provide S scaling in Faith like other seals.
The true dmg output can only be observed at late-game builds.
6. Clawmark Seal
The Best Seal For Bestial Incantations.
Clawmark Seal (Image by eXputer)
Physical: 31
Critical: 100
Why I Chose This: The Clawmark Seal is best seal for Str/Faith builds as it scales well with both and also buffs Bestial Incantation.
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The Clawmark Seal is one that you can get early on in the game. It is great for the more melee-focused players who want to use beast spells alongside. As per my experience, what makes it even greater for all the strength builds is that the Seal scales quite well with Strength. Therefore, if you are not looking to commit to Faith but want a slight touch of incantations, it may be Elden Ring’s Best Sacred Seal for you.
To acquire the Clawmark Seal, you must give Gurranq, Beast Clergyman, a single piece of Deathroot. You can get one in Summonwater Village after defeating Tibia Mariner.
Stats and Requirements
The Clawmark Seal requires 4 Strength and 10 Faith.
Buffs the Bestial Incantations by 10%.
Has good scaling with Str.
Has the lowest Fth scaling among sacred seals.
Acquired from a quest in a difficult area.
7. Godslayer Seal
The Best Seal For Godslayer Incantations.
Godslayer Seal (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
Physical: 25
Critical: 100
IncantScaling: 129
Why I Chose This: Godslayer Seal buffs Godslayer Incantations and has high Spell buff at lower Faith builds.
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The Godslayer Seal is perhaps one of the more well-rounded seals. Despite being specific to the Godslayer Incantations, it provides an amazing boost to most of the incantations. Therefore, if you are a player who wants to use a variety of incantations, then I believe this is the Seal for you.
To obtain the Godslayer Seal, head to Stormveil Castle and defeat Margit. If you start at the Rampart Tower Site of Grace, take an elevator downward to reach a hall that leads to a courtyard. Descend underground via stairs in the courtyard, and you’ll enter a room with rats. Beyond the rats, there’s a room blocked by an Imp Statue. Unlock it using a Stonesword Key to access a chest containing the Godslayer Seal.
Stats and Requirements
It requires 27 faith and 4 strength. It scales from E to D in Strength and C to S in Faith.
Godslayer Seal is great for all theGodskin Apostle Incantations and gives them a 10% boost.
Increases the dmg of Godslayer Incantations by 10%.
Has very high spell buff at mid-Faith builds.
Has comparatively low Str scaling.
Is outclassed by other seals on higher Faith builds.
8. Dragon Communion Seal
The Best Seal For Dragon Communion Incantations.
Dragon Communion Seal (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)
Physical: 25
Critical: 100
IncantScaling: 60
Why I Chose This: Dragon Communion Seal increases the potency of already great Dragon Communion incantation along with great Incant scaling.
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Most of the Best Sacred Seals focus on stats like Faith, dex, and Strength. Therefore, there are few options for the arcane build players. However, if you’re one of those people, I have a solution for you; the Dragon Communion Seal, which works greatly with Arcane weapons. The Dragon Communion Seal is actually one of the earliest Sacred Seals that you can get in the game. It works well with all Dragon Incantations.
After leaving the tutorial area, you’ll notice a fogged wall near the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace. This wall leads to the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave, but you’ll need two Stonesword keys to access it, which you might have chosen as a Keepsake.
Stats and Requirements
The Dragon Communion Seal has 10 Faith and Arcane requirement.
The Dragon Communion Seal buffs all Dragon Communion Incantations by 15%.
These incantations can be acquired from the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in Caelid in exchange for Dragon Hearts.
Scales with Fth and Arc which is very viable in bleed builds.
Due to the Arc scaling, Increases the status build-up of different ailments.
Is obtained in a difficult area for new players.
The Arc scaling of the weapon improves at +10 upgrade.
9. Erdtree Seal
The Best Faith Scaling Among Sacred Seals.
Erdtree Seal (Image credit: eXputer)
Physical: 25
Holy: 15
Critical: 100
IncantScaling: 60
Why I Chose This: The Erdtree Seal is the best seal for high faith builds as it has the best Faith scaling in Elden Ring and so has the highest dmg output.
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The Erdtree Seal is my go-to Seal when I wanted to rock a pure Faith build. Not only does it have a high faith requirement, but it also provides the highest damage output for all the incantations. However, it is worth noting that the Erdtree Seal is not specific to any type of incantation. Therefore, there will be no additional buffs besides the base buff that every sacred Seal provides to each spell.
The Erdtree Seal can be found in the Volcano Manor. The Volcano Manor is the same place where you can initiate the questline that ends in fighting Rykard and receiving the Blasphemous Blade. The blade is quite useful for the vampire build.
Stats and Requirements
Erdtree Seal is a pure faith seal and requires 40 Faith.
Its spell buff makes it versatile and compatible with almost any incantation, even going toe to toe with seals that buff specific incantations.
Has the best Fth scaling improvement through levels.
Can be used to cast healing spells due to high scaling.
Requires substantial Fth to properly utilize.
Doesn’t provide any passive.
Test Heading
After tons of playtime in Elden Ring, the Golden Order, Dragon Communal, and the Erdtree Seal are my most used seals. Of course, you can only get these seals pretty late in the game, so the seal I used beforehand was the Finger Seal. I mostly used incantations with my strength build during my first playthrough because there is something about Faith and Strength that really clicks in Elden Ring.
My Elden Ring playtime on Steam (Steam ID: Future_Bird)
Aside from relying on damage scaling only, incantations really allowed me to temporarily infuse my weapon with different types of ailments so I could utilize my enemy’s weakness against them.
With that, I have the Best Sacred Seals that can be found in Elden Ring. Ultimately, it all depends on your build and what kind of playstyle you want to adapt. If you are looking to find out what are the best Faith weapons that you can use with your sacred seals, consider reading: Best Elden Ring Faith Weapons.
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Hammad Ijaz is a Guides Writer on eXputer who is into various gaming genres. He has this pure passion for enjoying games and then reflecting that passion back into his writing. Along with a gaming experience of 10+ years, he also has many years of writing experience. Hammad further solidifies his status as a true gamer by showcasing hundreds of hours of game time on Warframe, Witcher 3, and Elden Ring. Feel free to explore his extensive gaming library on Steam.
Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.
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