The Awakened King DLC of Remnant 2 introduces several new items, including traits, rings, amulets, weapons, a brand-new archetype, and more. Of course, like most players, you’ll want to search for the best items first and incorporate them into your build. So, my ideal strategy would be to get the weapons first and then your other add-ons like rings and such.
Key Takeaways
The Awakened King DLC of Remnant 2 has 63 new items, including 1 Archetype, 1 Trait, 2 armor sets, 7 weapons, 2 relics, 12 amulets, 26 rings, 3 mods, and 8 Mutators.
Unfortunately, besides that, I personally felt disappointed by the lackluster versatility of the items since they weren’t too helpful with base-game archetypes.
As such, the criteria for deciding the best new items in Remnant 2’s DLC is based on their reliability and how much they impact a character’s build during combat.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the best new items you can get in the Awakened King DLC of Remnant 2, detailing their item type and item effect:
Melee Weapon
Weapon Mod: Turns incoming damage into +5% Melee Damage for 10 seconds.
Index Of The Scribe
Raises Mod and Skill Weakspot Damage by 35%.
Atonement Fold
Inflicts the user with Bleed, and increases Crit Chance by 10%.
Sparkfire Shotgun
Long Gun
Applies Burn effect.
Knight Guard
Weapon Mod
Summons a figure that hurls penetrating slashes.
Long Gun
Weapon Mod: Fires a harpoon which turns bullets into Homing Rounds.
Tainted Blade
Increases Melee damage by 5% per stack of Corroded on the target.
Lighthouse Keeper's Ring
Generates +3 Mod Power for every nearby entity with a unique Status Effect.
Participation Medal
Raises HP and Stamina by +10 each. Raises Movement Speed and Damage Reduction by +10% each.
Crimson Dreamstone
Increases Skill Damage by 1% for 10 seconds with every Critical Hit.
1. Wrathbringer
The best Melee Weapon in the DLC.
The Wrathbringer Melee Weapon (Screenshot Grabbed by me)
Why I Chose This: With the appropriate setup, the Wrathbringer can undoubtedly become the highest damage-dealing melee weapon.
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Topping my list of items is the Wrathbringer, which is arguably the best melee weapon in Remnant 2. Its Weapon Mod, Awakening, turns incoming damage into +5% Melee Damage for 10 seconds. Furthermore, you can stack this ability up to 10 times, giving a possibility of a whopping +50% Melee Damage. From my experience, I’d recommend pairing it with the Atonement Fold ring since the ring will automatically trigger the Wrathbringer’s ability.
For the Wrathbringer, you must kill The One True Kingwhen his mace is destroyed to get the Tormentor’s Pommel.
You can then give the Pommel to Ava McCabe at Ward 13 to craft the weapon.
One True King boss fight (Image by me)
Important: Killing the One True King when his mace is destroyed will bar you from getting the Monarch Long Gun.
One of the highest in-game Melee Damage.
Quick time-to-kill.
Works well with self-inflicting equipment.
Buggy animations.
2. Index Of The Scribe
The best Amulet in the DLC.
The Index of the Scribe Amulet (Screenshot Captured by me)
Why I Chose This: Weakspot Damage can be a game-changer against certain bosses, which is why the Index of the Scribe is an influential item.
Follow the steps below to get the Index of the Scribe in Remnant 2:
Find the Misplaced Memoir in Losomn (it’s a random drop, but from my experience, I found it twice at the same spot in the Drowned Wen.)
Without inspecting or altering the Memoir, give it to Leywise in the Forlorn Coast’s sewers.
Raises Weakspot Damage.
Versatile and Reliable.
Great for Mod-spamming.
Mostly works well with high Fire-rate weapons.
3. Atonement Fold
The best Crit-raising ring.
The Atonement Fold (Image taken by me)
Why I Chose This: Increasing Crit Chance is already a massive bonus, but the Atonement Fold is a must-have for the aforementioned Wrathbringer.
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The Atonement Fold is a frenzy-like that inflicts the user with Bleed, causing 1.1 Bleed Damage per second, but increases Crit Chance by 10%. Fortunately, there are several synergies that not only alleviate the Bleed effect but use it to add some bonuses to your build.
These include using the Neckbone Necklace to reduce the DoT effect, the Alchemy Stone to bypass the Bleed’s debuff to healing, and using the aforementioned Wrathbringer to get more damage output.
You can purchase the Atonement Fold for 500x Scrap from Leywise.
The Sparkfire Shotgun Long Gun (Picture Captured by me)
Why I Chose This: The Sparkfire Shotgun is not only fun to use, but it’s a crucial part of DoT builds.
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Thanks to its status-effect-building ability, the Sparkfire Shotgun is easily one of the best close-range Long Guns in Remnant 2. Even without any Mutator or Weapon Mod, every shotgun bullet applies the Burn effect on enemies, causing severe damage over time. This makes the shotgun a perfect addition to a Ritualist build, which you can learn more about from my recent guide.
Here’s how to get the Sparkfire Shotgun in the Derelict Lighthouse dungeon of the updated Losomn world:
From the dungeon’s starting point, make your way to the western edge of the map until you find a Checkpoint near a Lighthouse in the distance.
After taking the checkpoint, head east and kill the Gorecarver and Thunderpiercer bosses, after which you’ll receive the Lighthouse Key.
Proceed to the Lighthouse and take the passageway near the entrance that’ll take you to the basement.
Open the locked basement door using the key and grab the Sparkfire Shotgun stored inside.
Lighthouse's location (Screenshot taken by me)
Gorecarver and Thunderpiercer bosses (Image by me)
The Lighthouse key (Screenshot taken by me)
Passageway at the foot of the Lighthouse (Picture Captured by me)
Basement door of the Lighthouse (Screenshot taken by me)
Important: Using the Lighthouse Key on the basement door will restrict you from getting the Lighthouse Keeper’s Ring. To get the ring, you must use the Lighthouse Key on the balcony door inside the Lighthouse.
Applies Burn effect instantly.
Insanely potent at close range.
High ammo capacity.
Vulnerable in long-range engagements.
Bullet spread is significantly worse than Double Barrel Shotgun.
5. Knight Guard
The best Weapon Mod in the DLC.
The Knight Guard Weapon Mod (Screenshot Captured by me)
Why I Chose This: Weapon Mods usually feel weak, but the Knight Guard Mod is useful against enemy waves.
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The Knight Guard is a Weapon Mod that summons a figure mid-combat that can hurl penetrating slashes randomly at nearby enemies for 15 Damage. The Guard is a fairly unique Mod that can help stagger enemies and lower their HP while you’re busy dealing with other threats. It’s a great add-on against hordes of enemies.
To get the Knight Guard, you’ll have to go through the secret passage in the Walk of Remembrance while wearing the Crown of the Red Prince. Here’s a YouTube video you can watch for the whole tutorial.
Distribution of agro.
Long duration.
Sometimes, it inflicts Curse.
Low damage output.
Challenging to get.
6. Monarch
The best Long Gun for accuracy.
The Monarch Long Gun (Picture Captured by me)
Why I Chose This: Once the Monarch’s Influence meter is filled, it becomes unstoppable if it’s not bugged.
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While I initially quoted the Monarch as the best weapon in the DLC, I now find it somewhat unreliable since its damage figures usually get bugged, and it does 33% less damage. The Monarch’s Weapon Mod shoots a harpoon onto a target and makes your bullets turn into Homing Rounds, where they track onto the harpoon regardless of where you aim and shoot.
Homing Rounds build the Influence meter, and once your Influence reaches its max, it creates a shockwave and gives you infinite ammo and a 20% damage boost.
Although the bug knocks down the Monarch a few spots on my list, it’s still very capable and easily the most fun weapon to use in the DLC.
To craft the Monarch, you must give the Agony Spike to Ava, which you can get after killing the One True King while he has his mace in hand. Of course, as mentioned, you won’t be able to get the Wrathbringer after killing the One True King that way.
Insanely high Fire Rate.
Fun to use.
Great accuracy.
Low Damage Output.
7. Tainted Blade
The Tainted Blade Mutator (Image Source: My Gameplay)
Why I Chose This: The Corrosive Rounds and Tainted Blade combo can amplify melee attacks up by a tenfold.
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The Tainted Blade, in my opinion, is easily the best Mutator introduced in Remnant 2’s DLC. This Mutator increases Melee damage by 5% per stack of Corroded on the target. Once the Tainted Blade gets to Level 10, your melee’s Charged Attacks automatically apply the Corroded effect.
The reason why I picked the Tainted Blade was its synergy with other DLC items, including the Ritualist Archetype.
It also becomes self-sufficient at Level 10, so you wouldn’t need any necessary add-on beyond that point.
I personally ranked the Lighthouse Keeper’s Ring one of the best new rings in the DLC, primarily because of how it fits so well into a Ritualist or any DoT-focused build.
As such, I’d recommend pairing the Keeper’s Ring with the Ritualist archetype, Atonement Fold, Band of the Fantastic, and the Stone of Malevolence.
You can get the Lighthouse Keeper’s Ring via the following procedure:
From the Derelict Lighthouse dungeon in Losomn, head west towards the checkpoint near the Lighthouse.
Kill the nearby Gorecarver and Thunderpiercer bosses to get the Lighthouse Key.
Follow and go inside the Lighthouse and proceed up to the balcony.
Open the locked door using the key and grab the Lighthouse Keeper’s RIng from the desk on your left.
Checkpoint at the Derelict Lighthouse (Image by me)
Gorecarver and Thunderpiercer minibosses (Image by me)
Lighthouse Key (Screenshot taken by me)
Lighthouse location (Screenshot taken by me)
Lighthouse's Balcony Door (Image by me)
Lighthouse Keeper's Ring (Screenshot taken by me)
Enables much quicker Mod-regeneration.
Must-have for DoT builds.
Works well with most DLC items.
Useless with non-DoT builds.
9. Participation Medal
The best all-rounder amulet.
The Participation Medal Amulet (Screenshot Captured by me)
Why I Chose This: Like the Ring of Favor from Elden Ring, this is the perfect choice if you’re unsure about the right Amulet.
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The Participation Medal is a strong option for survivability, thanks to its all-rounder nature, by raising HP and Stamina by +10 each while raising Movement Speed and Damage Reduction by +10% each. I’d personally rank it as the safe option if you’re unsure about which amulet to go for.
To get the Participation Medal, you’ll have to die a World Boss several times in Apocalypse Mode, the toughest in-game difficulty. This is applicable to any boss at any location, but the exact number of deaths needed to get the amulet is random. In my experience, I got it after dying to the Sunken Witch 10 times.
Easy to get.
Safe choice.
Applicable on any build.
No unique effect.
Cannot be stacked.
10. Crimson Dreamstone
The best skill-enhancing ring.
The Crimson Dreamstone (Picture Captured by me)
Why I Chose This: This ring’s ability is easy to activate and stack with almost any build.
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The Crimson Dreamstone ring increases Skill Damage by 1% for 10 seconds with every Critical Hit (stacks up to 15 times.) Obviously, the ring only works effectively with items that raise Crit Chance. Personally, I go with the Battery Mutator, Butcher’s Fetish Amulet, and the Atonement Fold to get roughly a +40% Crit Chance, making the Dreamstone a more influential part of my build.
Activate the Ethereal Manor Event by interacting with the ghost-like man inside the manor.
Drink Liquid Escape, and you’ll obtain the ring.
The Ethereal Manor (Image taken by me)
Large timeframe to chain Skill Damage increase.
Needs Crit-chance-raising items.
Gets overshadowed by other support rings.
My Take On The New Items In Remnant 2
As I’ve mentioned in previous guides, the newly added items to Remnant 2, except for the weapons, were mostly disappointing. None of the rings, amulets, Mods, and other such items could be crowned the best in their category. In fact, they were either very straightforward or situational, making them viable for specific builds.
My hours on Remnant 2 (Steam ID: Random_Spectator)
Fortunately, the weapons didn’t face the same drawback. Throughout my gameplay, I was having a blast with the Wrathbringer, Monarch, Ritualist Scythe, and the Sparkfire Shotgun. You’ve seen my personal rankings of these weapons in the list above, but you can honestly pick any combination since they’re extremely fun to use and play around with.
That wraps up my extensive guide on the best items you can find and equip in the Awakened King DLC of Remnant 2. It was difficult for me to narrow down the top 10 from 63 options, but as you’ve seen from my take, a lot of the new items are very situational, so they were easy to eliminate. However, I would suggest looking into these items and seeing which ones suit your playstyle.
Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.
Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.
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