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Games Released
Gaming Guides we have covered so far, the entire schedule sorted by release date.-
Stardew Valley: All Hardwood Farming Locations
First of all, it should be noted that Hardwood drops from three main sources in the game. These are Large Logs, Large Stumps and Mahogany Trees. Out of the three of these, Large Logs are the only ones that are limited in number, while the other two can be farmed…
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Daughters of Artemis [Our Expert’s Insight]
Daughters of Artemis is the first chapter in a lengthy questline known as ‘The Goddesses’ Hunt.’ These are optional side-quests that can be completely ignored if the player wishes, but seeing them through leads to some of the best boss fights in the entire game. Completing this will also reward…
How To Acquire Liquid Mercury In Persona 5
Crafting is something that you need to learn in Persona 5 as it can help you with creating useful things. But in order to craft something, you first need to acquire the required materials. Some of these materials are easy to get, while you might need to spend a good…
A Train Is Passing Through Stardew Valley [Our Tips And Tricks]
After playing through the game for a while, players may eventually see the message ‘A Train Is Passing Through Stardew Valley’ on their screens. This notification is exactly what it sounds like, since it serves to bring your attention to the railway tracks in the north of town. But there…
A Winter Mystery Stardew Valley Quest Walkthrough
A Winter Mystery in Stardew Valley is a long side quest that allows players to discover many Secret Notes scattered around Pelican Town. These are hidden in various places all around the map, and finding them requires a special Magnifying Glass. Some of these notes list the preferred gifts of…
Guide: How To Use Bait In Stardew Valley
Fishing with Bait in Stardew Valley is a fantastic way to earn money in the early game and catch ingredients to turn into food. Additionally, certain fish like the Walleye, Catfish, and Sturgeon are necessary to complete the Community Center Bundles that unlock various different features in the game. So…
[Hands-On Experience]: How To Get Clay In Stardew Valley
Players can craft a few different items for their farm with Stardew Valley Clay, but the game doesn’t mainly guide you on how to get this raw material. If you’ve been playing the game for a while, then the chances are that you’ll probably have a few pieces of this…
Terraria: Loom Crafting Station [Our Expert’s Take]
It’s no secret at this point that Terraria is loaded with thousands of unique weapons, armor, and other useful tools. Players are spoiled for choice, and the loom crafting station is simply another piece of this gigantic puzzle. You can build this at the Sawmill as soon as you acquire…
Terraria Golem Boss Guide, Tips, Boss Fight, And Walkthrough
The Terraria Golem is one of the many unique Terraria bosses that players can encounter in this game, and summoning and fighting it presents its own specific set of challenges. It is also one of the game’s Hardmode bosses, so you first have to play through a significant chunk of…
Witcher 3: How To Find Powdered Monster Tissue
Witcher 3 Powdered Monster Tissue Guide Powdered Monster Tissue is a Relic tier material that can be extremely hard to track down. You might find some of it out in the wild by chance, or a few units might show up in a merchant’s shop. It that all depends on…
Persona 5 Trophy Guide: How To Get All Trophies
Are you looking to get the Platinum trophy in the critically acclaimed Persona 5, but don’t know where to start your long journey? Look no further because this article will explain how to get all trophies in Persona 5. To avoid confusion, it is worth mentioning that this is not…
How To Find The Bloodborne Amygdala?
Do you know all of those giant invisible beings that try to squeeze the life out of you at certain locations in the game? Well, those are the Amygdala enemies of Bloodborne, and there are a bunch of them within the game world. Only one of these is an actual…
Nioh 2: Divine Gear [Hands-on Experience]
To say that Nioh 2 is a difficult game would be a massive understatement. The title is a challenging and rage-inducing spectacle that a significant portion of its player base will never actually see through to the end. This is not to say that the game is unreasonably complex; it’s…
God Of War: All Treasure Map Locations [Tried And Tested]
God of War is littered with different Talismans, Enhancements, and Armor, to the point where players are constantly finding new gear as they play through the story. And although you can get a fair amount of these items from random chests scattered around the world, some of the absolute best…
Fallout 76 Treasure Maps Location [Tried And Tested]
Gathering Fallout 76 treasure maps is one of the best ways to acquire tons of powerful gear and valuable resources in the game, especially when you consider the somewhat random MMO aspect of the title. These maps lead to some of the most sought-after items in the entire game and…
Rust Auto Turret Guide: How To Craft And Deploy
Simply surviving can be pretty tricky at times in the world of Rust, but things can get a bit too hectic when you factor in the threat of other human players. And defending what’s yours from these players can be a challenging ordeal, so you have to keep yourself equipped…
Mortal Kombat 11 Forge Recipes: Full List With Guide
The Krypt has been a recurring feature in the Mortal Kombat franchise for quite some time now, and it makes a return in this entry as well. As always, this location allows players to craft useful items by combining a bunch of different resources that are acquired by playing the…
God of War: All Frozen Flame Locations
As you play through God of War, your Leviathan Axe has to be upgraded. This Frozen Flame guide will show you how to do that.
Fallout 4: How To Farm Oil [Locations]
Looking to craft some explosives? Well good news, because that's exactly where Exputer's Fallout 4 oil farming guide should come in handy.
Fallout 4: How To Find Fusion Cores?
Looking for some fuel for your Power Armor? Well, this Fallout 4 Fusion Core guide should help you locate all cores in the game and the DLCs.