The Bell Bearings can be found all across the game. They are special goods that can be used to replenish the Twin Maiden Husks supply and allow you to purchase some of the greatest stuff in the Elden Ring!
Don’t get overwhelmed from the get-go, as there are 53 bell bearings to collect. That is definitely a lot, and you’ll be raking in hours playing Elden Ring. But that’s why we’re here. Die-hard Elden Ring fans am i right? We’ll show you the location of all the 53 Bell bearings and the merchant items you can get for them.
Key Highlights
Here are the locations where the bell bearings can be found:
Limgrave bell bearings: Bernhall bell bearings, Bone Peddler bell bearing, Gostoc bell bearing, Kale’s bell bearing, Patches bell bearing, Nomadic merchant bell bearing, Nomadic merchant 2, Nomadic merchant 3.
Here’s all you need to know about Bell Bearing Locations:
Bell Bearing
Items Obtained
Bernhal's Bell Bearing
WarMasters Shack,
northern part of Limgrave
Ash of War: Endure,
Ash of War: Impaling Thrust,
Ash of War: Parry,
Ash of War: Quickstep,
Ash of War: Spinning Slash, etc.
Bone Peddler's Bell
Warmasters Shack,
Hefty Beast Bone,
Thin Animal Bones
Gostoc's Bell Bearing
the Grafted Site of Grace
Ballista Bolt,
Bandit Boots, Bandit Garb,
Stormhawk Feather, etc.
Kale's Bell Bearing
Church of Elleh
Arrow, Bolt,
Chain Armor,
Chain Coif, Chain Gauntlets, etc.
Patches' Bell Bearing
Mukrwater Cave,
Volcano Manor
Ballista Bolt,
Fan Daggers,
Festering Bloody Finger,
Glass Shard, etc.
Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing
Southeast Coastal Cave Entrance,
West of Limgrave
Bandit Mask,
Bolt, Halberd,
Pickled Turtle Neck, etc.
Nomadic Merchant 2's Bell Bearing
Between Mistwood Ruins and
Fort Haight,
Mistwood region
Armorers Cookbook 3,
Beast Liver,
Short Sword,
Stanching Boluses, etc.
Nomadic Merchant 3's Bell Bearing
East of the bridge,
North Limgrave
Armorers Cookbook 2,
Arrow, Broadsword,
Club, Stanching Boluses, etc.
Weeping Peninsula
Sellen's Bell Bearing
Witchbane Ruins
Carian Slicer,
Crystal Barrage,
Glintstone Arc, Scholar's Armament, etc.
Weeping Peninsula
Isolated Merchant 1's Bell Bearing
Far west ends of
Weeping Peninsula
Ballista Bolt,
Great Arrow,
Lost Ashes of War, etc.
Weeping Peninsula
Isolated Merchant 4's Bell Bearing
Southwestern edges of
Weeping Peninsula
Arrow, Ballista Bolt,
Bolt, Cracked Pot,
Scale Armor, etc.
Liurnia of the Lakes
Blackguard's Bell Bearing
Boilprawn Shack,
southern Liurnia
Rya's Necklace
Liurnia of the Lakes
Iji's Bell Bearing
Road to the Manor site of grace,
later War Counselor Iji
Carian Filigreed Crest,
Somber Smithing Stones, etc.
Liurnia of the Lakes
Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing
Church of Vows,
late at night
Lump of Flesh,
Sliver of Meat, Turtle Neck Meat
Liurnia of the Lakes
Miriel's Bell Bearing
Church of Vows,
eastern Liurnia
Blessing's Boon,
Carian Greatsword, Flame!,
Glintstone Cometshard, etc.
Liurnia of the Lakes
Pidia's Bell Bearing
Caria Manor,
Ranni's mission
Ash of War: Carian Retaliation,
Black Leather Shield,
Celestial Dew, etc.
Liurnia of the Lakes
Selva's Bell Bearing
Cavern of the Frost Spire,
South of Liurnia
Arrow, Bolt,
Cracked Greatbow,
Feathered Hat,
Froststones, etc.
Liurnia of the Lakes
Serpent's Bell Bearing
Bael's Plagued Villa
Demon Flesh,
Fragile Obsidian Dagger,
Latticed Hauberk, etc.
Baland's Bell Bearing
Temple of the Grail
Arrow, Bolt,
Chain Armor,
Chain Gauntlets,
Grail of Salvation, etc.
Fidelia's Bell Bearing
Fidelia's Shack,
Ash of War: Celestial Retribution,
Crystal Barrage,
Divine Silk, etc.
Hyran's Bell Bearing
Road to the Grail Mountain,
Ballista Bolt, Bolt,
Flamberge, Grail Warhorse Mane,
Halberd, etc.
Ingward's Bell Bearing
Erondai Fortress,
Acidic Extract,
Carian Filigreed Crest,
Shieldbane Eluxite, etc.
Lunara's Bell Bearing
Grail Forest
Ballista Bolt,
Chain Gauntlets,
Cracked Greatbow, Fiery Antler, etc.
Roald's Bell Bearing
Edrossa's Manor,
Carian Bow, Crystal Barrage,
Moonstone Crystal, etc.
Wandering Merchant's Bell Bearing
Shrouded Cave,
southern Grailbright
Ballista Bolt, Bolt,
Lost Ashes of War, etc.
Limgrave Bell Bearing Locations
Circles indicating Bell Bearings
Make your way to the map’s location shown in the image above, and you’ll have to locate around 8 Bell bearings in Limgrave. The Bell bearings have to be discovered or taken from your foes, so be on alert as you traverse the region of Limgrave.
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Bernhal Bell bearings: So, who is Bernhal? Well, he’s a soldier who normally is found wandering around the WarMasters Shack. The Shack is located in the northern part of the Western region of Limgrave. You have to duke it out with him to acquire his bell bearing.
Personally, it would be a wise decision not to engage with him as he’s a part of many of the late-game quests, such as in Crumbling Farum Azula and Volcano Manor. So it would be best if you don’t antagonize him. Leave him alone. His time hasn’t come yet.
Items: As for the items, you can access them by handing over this particular Bell Bearing. They include:
Ash of War: Endure
Ash of War: Impaling Thrust
Ash of War: Parry
Ash of War: Quickstep
Ash of War: Spinning Slash
Ash of War: Stamp
Ash of War: War Cry
Ash of War: Storm Blade
Ash of War: No Skill
Ash of War: Kick
Bone Peddler Bell Bearing: You need to visit the Warmasters shack once again to get your hands on the second bell bearing in the game. But make sure to reach the location at night time. You’ll come across an NPC with similar goals in mind. He’s a bell-bearing hunter. Fight him to the death and claim his bell bearing.
Items: After handing over the Bone Peddlers Bell Bearings, you get some items such as the hefty beast bone and some thin animal bones.
Gostoc Bell Bearing: So, Gostoc is basically an NPC that kindly offers you to open the front gates of Stormveil castle for you when you first meet him. He accompanies you through Stormveil castle up until the point you defeat Godrick. After that, he’ll spend his merry time at Godrick, the Grafted Site of Grace, blowing off some steam. You can kill him at pretty much any point of the quest to gain access to his bell bearing.
Items: You get loads of things to purchase when you get a hold of Gostocs bell bearings.
Kale’s Bell Bearing: Kale is basically a merchant that you come across in the Church of Elleh. You’ll need to interact and converse with him when you start going through Blaidd’s questline, so make sure you don’t kill him right away.
Else that quest line will basically be locked. Ensure you’re wearing some of the best Elden Ring talismans and armors, especially those that boost your immunity stats. You may also use Cured Immunizing Meat to raise your immunity for a long period if you have enough on hand in case you dabble in a fight with them.
Items: After submitting Kales Bearings, you can unlock a wide variety of weapons as well as armor pieces to boost up your arsenal
Patches’ Bell Bearing:Patches is another NPC in the game whose located inside the Mukrwater Cave located in the West of Limgrave. Patches will spend most of his time wandering around up until the point you meet him in Volcano Manor towards the later parts of the game. You could kill him now or later. It doesn’t really matter as far as I know. Kill him to get a hold of his bell bearings.
Items: Submitting this bell bearing gives you access to the following items
Nomadic Merchant Bell Bearings: The Nomadic Merchant is found warming himself up near a fire. He’s found beside a collapsed stone structure. You’ll find him if you make your way to the southeast Coastal Cave Entrance. You’ll find it as you make your way to the West of LimGrave.
The merchant looks like a poor hobo, but dont be deceived by his looks and forget why you’re there in the first place. Put him out of his misery and acquire the bell bearing.
Items: After you submit the Nomadic Merchants Bell Bearings, you get access to the following items.
Bandit Mask
Cracked Pot
Nomadic Warriors Cookbook 3
Flame of Chariots
Pickled Turtle Neck
Short Sword
Nomadic Merchant 2: So there’s not one Nomadic Merchant by a total of 3. So this is the second Nomadic Merchant. Guess Fromsoftware was busy with other character designs. The second Nomadic Merchant can be found loitering by the side of the road somewhere between the Mistwood Ruins and Fort Haight. You’ll find him in the Mistwood region. Again, you’ll find this nomadic merchant warming himself up next to a fire.
Items: Submitting this Bell gives you access to the following items
Nomadic Merchant 3: Now this Nomadic Merchant has some spunk. He can be found playing some music next to a fire as you make your way to North Limgrave. He’s located East of the bridge, connecting East Limgrave and Stormhill. If you speak to him, he stops playing his snazzy tunes. Or he’ll permanently stop if you kill him. And then take the Bell bearing cause he won’t be needing it anymore.
Items: Submitting this bell gives you access to the following items
Armorers Cookbook 2
Iron Roundshield
Neutralizing Boluses
Note: Land Squirts
Note: Stonedigger Trolls
Stanching Boluses
Stimulating Boluses
Weeping Peninsula Bell Bearing Location
Circles indicating Bell Bearings
That’s it for bell bearings in one region. So let’s move on to the Weeping Peninsula!
In contrast to Limgrave, which had eight bell bearings, This region only has a total of 3 bell bearings to collect.
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Sellen’s bell bearings: Now, this is a bit tricky. You need to first complete Sellen’s quest, which starts off by you making your way to meet her in the Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave in the form of a ghost. Then as the quest progresses, you’ll have to make your way to the Witchbane Ruins and kill her to collect her bell bearing.
Items: Submitting Sellens Bell Bearings at the Roundtable Hold enables you to access the following items.
Isolated Merchant 1: The Isolated Merchant 1 can be found hanging out at his comfy Shack located in the far west ends of the Weeping Peninsula. He’ll be sitting playing a melody. Pretty much put an end to his music and collected his bell bearing. It wasn’t that good anyway.
Items: Submitting this bell bearing gains you access to the following items.
Isolated Merchant 4: The Isolated Merchant is found near the Weeping Peninsula’s southwestern edges. He’ll be sitting in his small hut. If you can’t find him, you can head to the Shack by going southwest from the Fourth Curch of Marika Site of Grace. Kill him to gain access to his bell bearings.
Items: Submitting the bell bearings gains you access to the following items.
This is pretty easy but be prepared because there are a lot more bell bearings to collect up next.
Bell Bearings in Liurnia of the Lakes
Circles indicating Bell Bearings
In Liurnia, there are 11 bell bearings to find (or murder for). Blackguard’s bell bearing, Iji’s bell bearing, Meat Peddler’s bell bearing, Miriel’s bell bearing, Pidia’s bell bearing, Seluvis’s bell bearing, Smithing-Stone Miner’s bell bearing [1], Thops’s bell bearing and Nomadic Merchant’s bell bearings [5] and [6], and Isolated Merchant’s bell bearing [2]
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Blackguard’s Bell Bearings: The Boilprawn Shack in southern Liurnia is where you’ll find Blackguard Big Boggart. Rya’s stolen necklace and a lot more boiling crabs than you’d think are involved in his hunt. If you keep him alive, he’ll move to Leyndell and join the Dung Eater’s mission. To get his bell bearing, kill him in either place.
Rya’s Necklace
Iji’s Bell bearing. You can buy Somber Smithing stones from the gigantic Smithing Master and, later, War Counselor Iji at the Road to the Manor site of grace. Don’t fight him immediately away because he’s a part of both Blaidd’s and Ranni’s quests.
The bell of the Meat Peddler. Another Bell Bearing Hunter’ll attack you if you visit the Church of Vows late at night.
Lump of Flesh
Sliver of Meat
Turtle Neck Meat
Miriel’s bell bearing: The turtle pope at the Church of Vows in eastern Liurnia is Miriel, Pastor of Vows. You’ll get their bell bearing if you kill them, but at what cost?
Pidia’s bell bearing:Pidia, Carian Servant is a merchant who can be found inside Caria Manor, but you won’t be able to talk to him until you’ve finished the manor and dropped down from the Three Sisters plateau. You can’t kill Pidia directly either. Ranni’s mission leads to his death, at which point you can pick up his bell bearing.
The bell of Seluvis: Seluvis is a character you’ll meet as part of Ranni’s journey. His schemes are convoluted but you can grab his bell bearing from his corpse when he dies.
Carian Phalanx
Carian Retaliation
Freezing Mist
Glintstone Icecrag
The bell bearing of a Smithing-Stone Miner [1]. You’ll receive this bell bearing after fighting the Crystalian boss inside the Raya Lucaria Crystal Cave.
Glintstone Scrap
Smithing Stone [1]
Smithing Stone [2]
Thops’ bell bearing: Just after entering Liurnia, you’ll meet Thops at the Church of Irith, where he’ll ask for a Glintstone Key. You can either kill him immediately or give him a key and visit his body at the Schoolhouse Classroom place of grace inside the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Glintstone Arc
Glintstone Pebble
Isolated Merchant 2: The Isolated Merchant is found just outside the Raya Lucaria academy.
Blue Cloth Cowl
Blue Cloth Vest
Eye of Yelough
Fanged Imp Ashes
Fevor’s Cookbook [2]
Lost Ashes of War
Meteor Bolt
Note: Frenzied Flame Village
Note: Revenants
Sacrificial Twig
Saint Trina’s Arrow
Stone sword Key
Trina’s Lily
Warrior Gauntlets
Warrior Greaves
Nomadic Merchant 5: After going through the outpost to the northwest of the Church of Irith and entering the forest in Liurnia of the Lakes, the Nomadic Merchant can be discovered by a campfire on the west path.
In Altus Plateau and Leyndell, Royal Capital, there are six bell bearings to discover (or murder for). Corhyn’s bell bearing, Medicine Peddler’s bell bearing, Smithing-Stone Miner’s bell bearing [2], Somberstone Miner’s bell bearing [2], Nomadic Merchant’s bell bearing [2], Nomadic Merchant’s bell bearing [7], and Hermit Merchant’s bell bearing [1] are the names of the bell bearings.
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Corhyn’s bell bearing: Brother Corhyn will first appear at Roundtable Hold. However, he will later travel to the Altus Plateau, north of the Altus Highway Junction place of grace. You might not want to disturb him right now because he’s on his quest for someone named Gold mask.
The bell bearing of the Medicine Peddler: A Bell Bearing Hunter will attack when you visit the Hermit Merchant’s Shack late at night.
Neutralizing Boluses
Stanching Boluses
Stimulating Boluses
Thawfrost Boluses
The bell bearing of a Smithing-Stone Miner: Inside the Sealed Tunnel dungeon, you’ll discover the Smithing-Stone Miner’s bell bearing in a chest.
Explosive Stone
Smithing Stone [3]
Smithing Stone [4]
The bell bearing of a Somberstone Miner: You’ll obtain this bell bearing when you kill the two Crystalian monsters after the Altus Tunnel dungeon. To take some damage, you’ll need some armor.
Somber Smithing Stone [3]
Somber Smithing Stone [4]
Mt. Glemir Bell Bearing Location
Circles indicating Bell Bearings
In Mt. Gelmir, there are two bell bearings to find (or homicide for). Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing [1] and Nomadic Merchant’s Bell Bearing [8] are the two bell bearings.
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You simply need to go to the merchants and murder them. For the rest of you:
The Bell Bearing of the Glovewort Picker [1]: You’ll get this bell bearing when you beat the Erdtree Burial Watchdog in the Wyndham Catacombs.
In Caelid map and Dragonbarrow, there are six bell bearings to discover (or murder for). Gowry’s bell bearing, Gravity Stone Peddler’s bell bearing, and Somberstone Miner’s bell bearing [1], as well as Isolated Merchant’s bell bearing [3], Nomadic Merchant’s Bell Bearing [9] and [10].
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You simply need to go to the merchants and murder them. For the rest of you:
The ringing of Gowry’s bell: Gowry may be found in his shanty southwest of the Church of Plague. Gowry and Millicent (at the Church of Plague) each have their own questline, so don’t kill him until it’s completed.
Gravity Stone Peddler’s Bell Bearing: At night, go to the Isolated Merchant’s Shack in the northwest to be infiltrated by a Bell Bearing Hunter who will drop it.
Gravity Stone Chunk
Gravity Stone Fan
The bell bearing of the Somberstone Miner [2]: You’ll receive this bell bearing after fighting the Fallingstar Beast after the Sellia Crystal Tunnel dungeon. (You may also be transported to this dungeon from Limgrave’s Dragon-Burnt Ruins.)
Gravity Stone Chunk
Gravity Stone Fan
Items dropped by Isolated Merchant’s Bell Bearing [3]:
Beast-Repellent Torch
Dragonwound Grease
Gravel Stone
Land of Reeds Armor
Land of Reeds Gauntlets
Land of Reeds Greaves
Land of Reeds Helm
Lost Ashes of War
Note: Gateway
Note: Hidden Cave
Ritual Pot
Sacrificial Twig
Serpent Arrow
Spiked Caestus
Items dropped by Nomadic Merchant’s Bell Bearing [9]:
Items dropped by Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [1]:
Glintstone Scrap
Somber Smithing Stone [1]
Somber Smithing Stone [2]
Siofra River Bell Bearings Location
Bell Bearings indicated in red circles.
In Siofra River and Nokron, Eternal City, there are two bell bearings to discover (or murder for). They are Abandoned Merchant’s bell bearing [1] and Ghost-Glovewort Picker’s bell bearing.
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All you have to do is pay them a visit and murder them for the merchant. For the rest of the bell bearings:
Ghost-Glovewort [1] Picker’s bell bearing: This bell bearing on a corpse may be found not far into your investigation of Nokron, Eternal City.
Ghost Glovewort [1]
Ghost Glovewort [2]
Ghost Glovewort [3]
Items given by Abandoned Merchant’s Bell Bearing:
Dwelling Arrow
Larval Tear
Nascent Butterfly
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [17]
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [18]
Stone sword Key
Ansel River & Nosktella Bell Bearing Locations
In Ansel River and Nokstella, Eternal City, there are two bell bearings to discover (or murder for). Hermit Merchant’s Bell Bearing [3] and Ghost-Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing [2].
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All you have to do is pay them a visit and murder them for the merchant. For the rest of the bell bearings:
The bell-bearing Ghost-Glovewort Picker [2]: This bell may be found in a chest inside Nokstella, Eternal City site of grace, a bit west of the Nokstella, Eternal City site of grace.
Ghost Glovewort [4]
Ghost Glovewort [5]
Ghost Glovewort [6]
Items given by Hermit Merchant’s Bell Bearing [3]:
We’re almost done with the locations of all the Bell Bearings in Elden Ring. Now, let’s move onto the Mountaintops of the Giants. Mountaintops of the Giants have four bell bearings to discover (or murder for). Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing [2], Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [3], Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [3], and Hermit Merchant’s Bell Bearing [2] are the names of the bell bearings.
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You simply need to go to the merchants and murder them. For the rest of you:
The Bell Bearing of the Glovewort Picker [2]: The Ulcerated Tree Spirit monster will drop this bell bearing in the Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs.
Grave Glovewort [4]
Grave Glovewort [5]
Grave Glovewort [6]
Smithing Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [3]: Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing and The Zamor Ruins are located near the Grand Lift of Rold. On the west side of the remains, stairs are heading down. This bell bearing can be found buried in a chest.
Smithing Stone [5]
Smithing Stone [6]
Items given by Hermit Merchant’s Bell Bearing [2]:
Ballista Bolt
Great Arrow
Lightning Greatbolt
Missionary’s Cookbook [7]
Rune Arc
Stone sword Key
Thawfrost Boluses
Vagabond Knight Armor
Vagabond Knight Gauntlets
Vagabond Knight Greaves
Vagabond Knight Helm
The Bell Bearing of a Somberstone Miner [3]: As you approach the First Church of Marika on the Freezing Lake’s southern edge, you’ll notice this bell on a corpse out front.
Somber Smithing Stone [5]
Somber Smithing Stone [6]
Farum Azula Bell Bearing Location
Circles indicating Bell Bearings
In Crumbling Farum Azula, there are four bell bearings to discover (or murder for). Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing [3], Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4], Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4], and Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [5] are the names of the four bell bearings.
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As you descend, you’ll find all of Crumbling Farum Azula’s bell bearings as treasure on corpses.
Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing [3]:
Grave Glovewort [7]
Grave Glovewort [8]
Grave Glovewort [9]
Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4]:
Smithing Stone [7]
Smithing Stone [8]
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4]:
Sanctuary Stone
Somber Smithing Stone [7]
Somber Smithing Stone [8]
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [5]:
Somber Smithing Stone [9]
My Experience Locating The Bell Bearings
My Elden Ring hours on Steam
On my first playthrough, I found Bell Bearings meaningless since I usually got the items they offered via exploration and boss fights. However, after months of playing on Steam and multiple playthroughs, these Bell Bearings have helped me save hours on subsequent in-game runs. Instead of continuously running around to merchants scattered across the map, I was able to collectively get all the items I needed from the Twin Maiden Husks.
My Elden Ring save slots on Steam.
In my experience, my main goal in NG+ was to test and play with several other weapons that I unlocked. However, to truly utilize their potential, I needed to upgrade them, which is where the Bell Bearings came into play. I farmed runes and purchased tons of Smithing Stones and Gloveworts from the Twin Maiden Husks, saving me hours of exploration and grinding.
And that’s pretty much it for the Elden Ring Location of the Bell Bearings Guide. Make sure to check out all of our Elden Ring guides to get on top of your game, and as always, if you like it, don’t forget to put a ring on it!
Do you need some help fending off swarms of enemies? Are you fed up with rolling about and evading enemies? So, why don’t you try your hand at some shields? To obtain the upper hand in the fight, time your block and parry. With our Elden Ring Shields Guide, you can make the most of your defensive talents!
Do you want to improve your stats and become the top Elden Ring player? You can locate the locations of all the Keepsakes in our Elden Ring Keepsakes guide.
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Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.
Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.
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